Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Retweets David Hogg’s Suggestion to F*** a National Day of Prayer
Lloyd Marcus: Scoundrel Time: Coronavirus brings out the ugly face of the left
. . . "CDC data confirms that the martial-law-light mandates steamrolling across America are disproportionate to the threat of the virus. Some governors and most corporations are responding to media-mob pressure to halt life in America. Others see an opportunity to land a death-blow to the Trump administration.
"Insidiously ignoring the CDC's no-need-to-panic-data, fake news media created and is gleefully fueling corona-madness. Using their huge bully pulpit, fake news media says anyone who dares to contradict their you're-all-gonna-die narrative will be dragged into the high tech public square, stripped naked, branded an irresponsible idiot with a hot iron and their career will be canceled.
"It is disturbing that there is practically zero pushback against governors instantaneously overruling our constitutional freedoms. Sadly, many youths are clueless regarding their constitutional freedoms. They grew up in public schools where progressive teachers taught them that the Constitution is an outdated piece of paper written by racist, sexist, homophobic, and Christian dead straight white men.
"We have far too many Bernie Bro youths who say, “If the government is going to give me free stuff, I am down with whatever controls government deem necessary.' ” . . .
Replying to @TheRickWilsonCNN & MSNBC commentator wishing the first lady gets infected with the Corona virus. The vile hatred of these people knows no bounds. They are evil…