Monday, March 30, 2020

Updated: Trump Snubs Disgraced Pelosi, Not Invited to WH Signing Ceremony on Stimulus

Analyzing America

"According to reports from The Hill, Nancy Pelosi was not invited to the White House signing ceremony of the coronavirus relief stimulus bill.
"On Friday, President Trump held the White House ceremony where he signed the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus rescue package.
"Pelosi, and other Democrats were not invited to attend, according to reports.
" 'I want to thank Democrats and Republicans for coming together and putting America first,” Trump told reporters." . . .

‘She’s a sick puppy’: Trump rips Pelosi after she criticizes his coronavirus response

Update: Lindsey Graham: Pelosi Made The ‘Most Shameful, Disgusting Statement By Any Politician In Modern History’

Maxine Waters: what of those who keep electing her?

Do we laugh or do we tremble?  When she speaks of reparations to those voters in her district, describing them as "gold in them there hills", I have to fear for this nation.

During the Civil Rights struggle, we hated the racism we saw. But those like Waters, Sharpton, and Farrakhan have taken all meaning of that word away. It has become a well-used gavel that shuts down all discourse among American people. When everything is racist, nothing is racist.

Idiot Maxine Waters Goes On Racist Rant, Voters Call For Her Impeachment
. . . “Never forget that Maxine Waters embraced Damian Williams, the infamous thug who hurled a chunk of concrete at truck driver Reginald Denny and performed a victory dance over this innocent man’s battered body,” reports Independent. She then danced with notorious gang members when Williams was released from prison." . . .
She’s [Maxine’s] earned a lifetime of left-wing adoration for whitewashing the deadly riots as a “rebellion,” excusing the week-long shooting, looting, and arson orgy as “a spontaneous reaction to a lot of injustice and a lot of alienation and frustration,” and coddling Crips and Bloods gang members — with whom she performed the electric slide as part of her “fearless support and understanding of young people and their efforts at self-expression.” [Source: New York Post]
Watch Waters lovingly hug the racist Black Muslim Farrakhan

And liberals cheer her when she attacks President Trump? I'd say she is deplorable, but Hillary already has dibs on that word in describing those who denounce her and all the Democrat Party has become. The Tunnel Dweller

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Late night shows are going the way of newspapers

Don Surber

"Shamelessly stolen from Power Line, which likely swiped it from somewhere else.
"That is how the Internet works. Funny memes and humorous videos get passed along on Facebook and through emails. Aggregators and bloggers use them. Some are political. Most ain't. And all are topical.
"Which raises the question: Why can't late-night hosts pull off jokes anymore that are not socialist propaganda?
"Most of them used to be comedians. All of them now are on a mission to destroy President Donald John Trump. Kimmel and Colbert occasionally have serious monologues that drone on about the Orange Man. They are indistinguishable from their "jokes."
"It is not as if  Donald Trump is above criticism or satire. He does self-effacing humor well. At the 2011 Emmys, he sang the theme to Green Acres with Megan Mullally. It was nice.
"And the Babylon Bee (the most important conservative site) gets in some funny digs. (Trump Unveils Much Simpler Stimulus Plan: GIANT MONEY CANNON!)

. . . 
"But dang, the constant attacks got old in 2015.
"Get some new material.
"Humor is a pretty harsh mistress. A joke is either funny, or a candidate for Stephen Colbert's next monologue." . . .

The nightly TV shows are next.President Donald John Trump has driven their ratings but one way or another, after this election, Trump jokes will be passe and the late-night hosts will suffer.Maybe these shows will survive, but writing off the half of the nation that supports him was not a good business model.And not being funny is an even worse model. 

Pelosi, the press, and the President

Once again, Trump was right and the media were wrong . . . "Indeed, the chloroquine and azithromycin treatment was so successful that Dr. Raoult refused to use a control group. He believed that doing so would be unethical insofar as it would deny people a proven life-saving treatment. 
"And Trump once again scores against a hostile media."
The first casualty of war, even war against a virus, is truth  . . . "Leftists do something even more serious, which is to classify as a lie anything with which they disagree. In other words, they set themselves up as the arbiters of absolute truth. From this pedestal, they shout down or completely censor statements they dislike – even if the statement is subjective or reasonably debatable – on the ground that the statement is a “lie.' ” . . .

What to make of old Joe? Can he beat this President?

Doddering Joe Biden Unfit to Lead in Time of Crisis . . . "Watching Mr. Biden stumble, mumble and dodder through a simple speech in his living room while looking lost and lonely staring into a cold camera is physically painful for any human.
"For nearly five decades, Mr. Biden has been one of the great masters of Washington. Yet he is a blubbering disaster unfit for the national stage during a crisis. Unfit, really, for any stage at any time.
"He is Barack Obama — minus the fake Greek columns." . . .
Toon added by TD
. . . "This really should not be much of a surprise if you look back at their performance these past several years. Since the dawn of the Trump Dynasty, Democrats have manufactured ridiculous crisis after ridiculous crisis.
"Russian hookers peeing on a bed in a Moscow hotel room. Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh a serial gang rapist. Ukraine Kabuki impeachment.
"These people are fundamentally unserious. Totally untrustworthy. Genetically anti-American.
"And nothing reveals their unseriousness like an actual, true crisis." . . .
"For the first time, an ABC-Washington Post poll shows more Americans approve of President Donald John Trump than disapprove. A man denied a honeymoon on his inauguration finally has earned one." . . .

Biden consolidates support, but trails badly in enthusiasm: Poll  . . . "Indeed, strong enthusiasm for Biden among his supporters – at just 24% – is the lowest on record for a Democratic presidential candidate in 20 years of ABC/Post polls. More than twice as many of Trump’s supporters are highly enthusiastic about supporting him, 53%.
"Trump’s still-strong rating on the economy is another challenge for Biden. So is this: Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents who prefer Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for the nomination, 15% say they’d back Trump over Biden in the fall." . . .

NBC's Chuck Todd under fire for asking Biden if Trump has 'blood on his hands' for delayed coronavirus response

"Tim Russert would never ask a question like this. Even Joe Biden didn’t take the bait to assist in a viral moment attempt," The Hill media reporter Joe Concha said, referring to Todd's "Meet The Press" predecessor.
 I guess we see who is the more intelligent: Biden or a top man from MSNBC.TD

Fox News via Lucianne   "NBC News anchor Chuck Todd raised eyebrows Sunday morning when he asked if President Trump had "blood on his hands" for his delayed response to the coronavirus outbreak.
"During an interview with former Vice President Joe Biden, Todd pointed to the Democrat's campaign messaging on the pandemic, which says a failure to take aggressive action "could cost lives."
""Do you think there is blood on the president's hands considering the slow response?" Todd asked. "Or is that too harsh of a criticism?"
"Even Biden, who has been critical of the president throughout the crisis, thought the question was "a little too harsh."
" 'I think that's a little too harsh," he said. "I think ... he should stop thinking out loud and start thinking deeply. ... He should listen to the health experts. He should listen to his economists."

Thank the Second Amendment: Armed hero stops possible Florida mass shooting

Washington Examiner  "How can you tell whether or not the liberal media will pick up an incident of gun violence and turn it into a national story? It’s simple: If the shooting is successful, they will give it wall-to-wall coverage for a week. If it is stopped by an armed citizen, however, the liberal media will almost always pretend it never happened or glance over the story with only brief mention or coverage.
"This oversight is perhaps a bit more understandable at the moment, given the national coronavirus crisis consuming the country and dominating media coverage. But it’s still absolutely worth highlighting the heroic story of a Florida man who on Friday shot and stopped an armed shooter who opened fire on shoppers at a shopping center.
“A man with a concealed carry permit reportedly told arriving officers that he shot the woman after she started shooting at customers outside the shopping center,” the Tulsa World reports. “Video reportedly showed the woman was involved in an earlier altercation in the parking lot. The woman left the shopping center and returned about three minutes later, when she pulled a gun and opened fire, according to the news release.”
"Ultimately, the hero, who likely saved numerous lives, was questioned and released by the police." . . .
"Gun-Free" signs would have kept the concealed-carry hero unarmed. Then what?

Let’s Hope the Hollywood Fiasco With ‘Imagine’ Wakes Americans Up

It has been said that to not believe the Holy Scriptures is to believe nothing. But the truth is that such a person tends to believe everything, TD

Daily Stream  "By now, you’ve probably seen the cringe-worthy video of various unkempt Hollywood stars singing the John Lennon song “Imagine.” They apparently intended it as a way to comfort all those people out in fly-over country who are sheltered in place, out of work, and worried about dying from the coronavirus.
"Whatever their intentions, it was not well received. 
"Watch it, and see what you think:

. . . "But these actors were just doing what the left has been doing since the song was first released in 1971. They filled it with their sentiments, while ignoring what really happens whenever anyone tries to apply Lennon’s hymn to godless atheism in the real world.
"In fact, as I describe in Money, Greed, and God, that delusional use of the song played a role in shaking out my own sympathies for socialism when I was in college.
"As a freshman, I fancied myself a sort of Christian socialist. Sure, by the time I was a sophomore, I knew about the brutalities in Russia and China. I had even read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s grim firsthand record of Soviet labor camps, The Gulag Archipelago. But I had never heard of the Khmer Rouge, even though I was studying political science. (What little I had heard of Cambodia came from American linguist Noam Chomsky, who for years denied what happened in the country, and then, when it became undeniable, blamed the United States.)" . . .

Larry The Cable Guy shared his wisdom:
Here’s a message from people with a lot of possessions that can take a year off of work and not flinch telling everyone outa work to imagine a world with no possessions while people are living in the street a half mile away from ‘em. RT @MattWalshBlog:
. . .
"Imagine … What?"
"In the film, after Pran’s escape, Schanberg comes to meet him at a Red Cross station near the Thai border with Cambodia. They embrace. In the background, a song is playing on a radio: John Lennon’s “Imagine.”
"The scene was meant to be moving, and it was. But it was also dissonant, and that dissonance rattled around in my mind for some time after. Lennon’s anthem describes a sort of godless kingdom of God. He asks listeners to imagine no heaven above or hell below. No religion. No countries. A future “brotherhood of man” where “all the people” live “life in peace.”
"Who wouldn’t want that? But read the fine print. This is a world with “no possessions,” where “all the people” share “all the world.” Wait, what? Is it just me, or does that sound a lot like the dream of those communist zealots that Dith Pran only narrowly escaped? Don’t Lennon’s words express the same sentimental delusions that inspired communism in the first place? That thought haunted me, though it was years before I was ready to consider a real alternative. Still, in a weird way, Lennon’s godless hymn, stuck in a movie that masterfully showed the demonic truth about communism, helped wake me up.
"A bunch of Hollywood lefties may just have done the same thing for millions of people. For the left, the coronavirus pandemic is great excuse to vastly expand the reach of government. Let’s pray enough us are awake so that we won’t let that happen."

Jay Richards, Ph.D., is the Executive Editor of The Stream, a Research Assistant Professor in the Busch School of Business at The Catholic University of America, and a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute. Follow him on Twitter.

The Democrat Party - WalkAway -

Saturday, March 28, 2020

A drug in development for treating HIV and cancer was given to seven critically ill coronavirus patients in New York Two of them were well enough to be taken off ventilators in a matter of days, and all but one are improving

UK Daily Mail  "Two coronavirus patients in New York City were treated with a new drug 'fast-tracked' for HIV and breast cancer - and they went from being on ventilators in the ICU to regular hospital in a matter of days.  
"Based on the results of a small initial trial, biotech firm CytoDyn believes their drug, leronlimab, has potential for treating patients severely ill with coronavirus. 
"They believe that the drug can quell the 'cytokine storm' - a deluge of immune cells that can be as damaging as the infection itself - that triggers life-threatening lung inflammation in coronavirus patients. 
"Leronlimab has only been tested in seven critically ill patients thus far, but two are now free from ventilators, and another two more show signs that the severe inflammation sending their lungs into organ failure are subsiding. 
"There are no approved treatments for coronavirus, but the CytoDyn's drug is among the latest being tested to help save the lives of Americans with coronavirus, of which there are now well over 100,000 - and if it continues to show promise it could get FDA approval in as little as little as six weeks. 

"Developing a drug that targets the coronavirus itself take time and money - both of which are in short supply in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Scientists, universities, and the World Health Organization are all racing to test existing drugs or those in development against the virus that has already killed more than 1,500 Americans.
"Among those is a drug that has already been fast-tracked by the US Food and Drug Administration for treating another virus - HIV - as well as cancer.
Leronlimab is already in trials and showing promise for treating HIV." . . .More

Hillary Clinton under fire for joke about US leading in virus cases: Trump 'did promise America First'

Fox News  "Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was blasted on social media Friday for her swipe against President Trump amid the growing coronavirus outbreak within the U.S.
"Since the availability of testing kits has broadened in recent days, the number of confirmed cases in the U.S. has skyrocketed. On Thursday, the U.S. has reportedly outpaced both China and Italy with more than 97,000 reported cases.':Clinton took the latest developments as an opportunity to knock her former 2016 rival on Twitter.
"He did promise 'America First,'" Clinton wrote, referring to one of the president's oft-repeated campaign slogans." . . .

Over in the UK, the Daily Mail reported:
. . . "Hillary Clinton took to her Twitter on Friday afternoon to share a story from the New York Times that reported that the United States was now leading the world in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases. 
" 'He did promise "America First,"' Clinton said in the tweet, which has more than 24,000 retweets and 113,600 likes." . . .
The following were not among those 113,600 Democrats liking Hillary's words:

The sentiment was shared by Kyle Kashuv, who added: 'Wow. Gleefully boasting thousands dead, families broken, millions of unemployed claims, and widespread suffering just to own Drumpf. My god. This is despicable.'

Coronavirus Causing a Right Turn

We are witnessing a slight “right turn” in America, back to God, family, patriotism, principles and values which have made America great. I say, “Praise the Lord!” 
 Lloyd Marcus  "My brother who lives in Baltimore is a fellow black Christian conservative Republican. He phoned to warn me not to mention Trump to a senior relative. Fake news media's corona-madness has driven her hatred to the extreme. Now, she wants him dead!
"Our relative's irrational hatred for Trump is exactly what Democrats/fake news media still strive to create since the day he was elected.
"However, whenever Trump speaks directly to the American people, they believe him, gravitate to him, and love his America first agenda.
"This is why Democrats/fake news media continuously seek to block Trump from communicating directly to We the People. Absurdly, they claim his tweeting is an impeachable crime. The Democrats'/fake news media was thrilled when coronavirus hit our shores, giving them an opportunity to demand that Trump stop holding rallies. The mega thousands who attend Trump rallies include a growing number of Democrats eager to jump aboard the Trump Train. 
"To further block the people from hearing Trump, fake news media has outrageously decided to stop broadcasting Trump's coronavirus update press conferences. " . . .

Seattle Police Officers Rebuke Local NPR’s Decision To Stop Airing White House Coronavirus Briefings   "The Seattle Police Officers Guild criticized Thursday night the recent decision of the local National Public Radio station’s decision to stop broadcasting the daily White House coronavirus task force briefings.
“ 'In light of the recent decisions made by a public news affiliate, SPOG will be live streaming all the White House’s press COVID-19 briefings on our social media channels,” SPOG president Mike Solan said in a statement. “This is not a time to play partisan politics. Seattle community members deserve the most up to date information during this crisis; this includes life saving medical information from our nation’s Surgeon General and top doctors.' ” . . .
You ask why? Here is an explanation from the usual sources:
Producers at both CNN and NBC told the Daily Beast the briefings contain “misinformation” from President Donald Trump that cannot be fact-checked live. “We might take it from the top and then cut away after the first lie, and return when the lies stop,” on producer claimed.
Americans Deserve Better Than the Media Is Giving Them   . . . "As during the Russia collusion conspiracy fabrication and the concocted Ukraine impeachment fiasco, media reporting on the virus has exposed many journalists’ true aim: causing political harm to President Trump no matter the cost to the country, to the accuracy of their stories, or to their own journalistic reputations.
"The most egregious example came from the tragic story of an Arizona couple who ingested aquarium parasite treatment chemicals, thinking that the fish tank cleaner would serve as medicine to ward off the coronavirus. The husband died and the wife wound up in the hospital.
"This is a heartbreaking story that proved too tantalizing for NBC, which laid the blame for the incident squarely on Trump." . . .

Pandemic Brings Out the Best and the Worst in the Media  "According to Wednesday’s Gallup poll on the coronavirus response, “Hospitals Rated Best, News Media Worst.' ” . . .