"Lagniappe" from Rich Terrell |
In a recent Gallup poll, black Americans voted overwhelmingly (61%) to retain current local levels of police presence in their communities, with 20% wanting to see an increased presence. Eighty-one percent of black respondents voted to maintain or increase, not defund, policing in their communities.
It's ironic that BLM and Antifa, both predominantly run (and manned) by suburban, Millennial white leftists, have the temerity to advance what they think is in the best interest of non-white people.
Turns out that thinking non-white people understand the importance of law and order and the responsibilities that police have in trying to maintain order. It is not a perfect system, and it is wrought with opportunities for improvement, but, as black people (seemingly) understand, dismantling it under the guise of "social justice" will fall hardest on non-white people and communities.
"Where liberalism has flourished — NYC, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Portland, Seattle, D.C. — the state of black (and more broadly lower/middle income) America is in decline." . . .
Also by Earick Ward:
Thank you, Don Lemon . . . "Again, thank you, Don Lemon. You've exposed Black Lives Matter for the Marxist organization that it is. They don't care a whit a[bout] black lives.
Lemon |
As a side note, y'all know that Karl Marx was a blatant racist, right? " . . .
Black Lives Matter and a list of their demands:
- All black Americans should receive a guaranteed minimum income, health care, schooling, food, real estate, genital mutilation if they want to pretend to be members of the opposite sex, and abortion.
- Bring an "an end to all jails" as we know them.
- Disrupt the traditional family.
- Demand reparations on behalf of foreign nations.
- Form a "global liberation movement" that will "overturn US imperialism [and] capitalism."