Sunday, November 29, 2020

A former Andrew Cuomo aide writes that her ex-boss is an awful human being. Language warning

Andrea Widburg   "Even though New York governor Andrew Cuomo presided over the single largest number of COVID-19 deaths (mostly elderly people dying alone), the media was obsessed with his warmth, compassion, intelligence, and sexiness. Conservatives were unimpressed. Their view was just confirmed by a former aide claiming that Cuomo is mean, self-centered, and unprincipled.

"It’s almost certain that COVID-19 death statistics in America are wrong. However, if you accept them the way leftists do, the statistics for COVID-19 deaths in America show that New York state was America’s COVID-19 slaughterhouse. As of November 27, New York’s 34,443 deaths account for 21% of the total number of deaths in the ten states topping the American mortality list. It’s easy to blame Cuomo because he insisted on placing people diagnosed with COVID-19 in old age homes.

"Despite this track record, the media doted on Cuomo. He wrote a book boasting about his stewardship of New York and received a special Emmy for being an excellent spokesperson for his own wonderfulness. A singer named Randy Rainbow even put together a clever “cuomosexual” music video.

"Speaking of the “cuomosexual” theme, Alexis Grenell, Cuomo’s one-time aide, wrote a scathing piece at The Nation: “The Collapse of the Cuomosexual: St. Andrew of Covid, our savior of the spring, is now milking his 15 minutes of fame for an extra 30.” Her starting-point is a recent press conference during which Cuomo yelled at the media for daring to seek clarity about the state’s policies regarding school closures." . . .

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Left's Power Is Pettiness


We have experienced how the Left acts when they lose by trashing everything in their path. In the end, those who learn from loss strengthen their character, and in so promote our common goals ... minus the pettiness and false pride.

"Where to begin...

"There's another Pandemic in our nation that has infected half of the population, it's called Pettiness-101. It's taught in nearly all of our institutions of higher learning. The great minds on the Left resort to it on nearly every issue known to get what they want. I call it Systemic Ignorance, it has become a prerequisite when applying for employment on Fake news networks, and many government institutions.  

"We now live in a world where nothing adds up and a vast swath of the population could care less. Just today with all the lawsuits, affidavits, and outright voter fraud, Twitter the mind of the mindless is telling us that "Voter Fraud of Any Kind is Exceedingly Rare in the US, Election Experts Confirm." Poorly educated employees make more mistakes, that's just common sense. Add to it lifetime employment through public union contracts and one can easily see why we are headed for a crack-up! Put simply as Obama stated, 'You didn't build that', and surrounding your life with expensive trinkets doesn't mean you're a genius. The hard work of creating the system of government we enjoy was given to us by smarter people than ourselves.

"So where have we gone wrong? 

"The Elite Billionaires believe they have your back by Inflaming, Slandering, and Canceling anyone that they disagree with. While the ever-bumbling Left continues to search for their next grievance against the Human Race. What confounds me are those who believe Fake news commentators who have perfected the use of dehumanizing tactics to deliver their message. Talking down to their own viewers who seem to relish in the drama we see playing out on our streets, neighborhoods, and workplace. I'm always amazed by the level of rancor I hear while in public places. The violent verbiage and threatening effects have now become the language of the Elites.

"So consumed with their own fake self-importance the Big Picture has been reduced to a handheld screen of Texts, Selfies, and Twitter. These are the children of the regressive-rrogressives. Petty, Petulant, and ever Whining, some with 5 o'clock shadows and varicose veins. 

"What's disconcerting is the level of dishonestly and bullying in regard to the corrupt tactics used by the Left to win an election by cheating.  No doubt they have decades of experience when dealing with the darker side of humanity's nature,. The proof is the frivolous lawsuits to change election laws through means not legislated only show the intent to corrupt. The lack of faith in our Constitution is disturbing. The willingness to break the rules only shows the weakness of character and self-belief." . . .

Head of Iran's nuke program assassinated

 Don Surber

"The Jerusalem Post reported, "The Head of Iran's nuclear program Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, 59, was assassinated in Damavand, east of Tehran, local Iranian news reported on Friday.

" 'Iran later confirmed the reports. 'The nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was assassinated today by terrorists,' the Iranian Defense Ministry wrote in a statement, while not blaming any specific entity for the incident.' "

"Arab nations are normalizing relations with Israel after a decade or so of casual and unofficial cooperation among Israel and Saudi Arabia. Obama siding with Iran -- giving the rogue state $170 billion to blow on building nukes and terrorizing Israel -- sealed the deal.

"Maybe Mossad had a little help.

"Israel and its Arab nations share two things in common. They cannot allow Iran to beef up, and they cannot trust the United States to help them. President Donald John Trump may be the last friend they ever have in the White House.

"They also know Red China is an ultimate threat." . . .

"Mr. Fakhrizadeh’s killing, whoever was responsible, could have broad implications for the incoming Biden administration. It is bound to set off a sharp reaction in Iran, as did the American attack on Jan. 3 that killed Qassim Suleimani, the Iranian major general who ran the elite Quds force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

"The killing of Mr. Fakhrizadeh could complicate the effort by President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. to revive the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal, as he has pledged to do, if the Iranians agree to return to the limits detailed in the accord.

Keith Olbermann says out loud what the fascist left is thinking

Unfiltered Olbermann is a perfect complement for the left and their trained millennials,

Thomas Lifson   "When evil rages through large crowds of people, it has a hard time remaining silent. Those intent on furthering crimes of historic importance have a hard time keeping their mouths shut.  Usually, it is the peripheral players with the loosest lips, for they want to be part of what they see as a triumph over those they hate (hatred being the handmaiden of evil).  But sometimes, even those at the heart of darkness lose their normal restraints and say out loud what they are planning (13 second video).  Joe Biden's apparent dementia may have turned off his filter.

"Keith Olbermann never had much of a filter to begin with, and the loss of his former cable news platform seems to have unleashed his id even more than before.  Here he is on his YouTube platform, captured in a tweet by Ian Miles Cheong, laying out his desire for a totalitarian police state in which Donald Trump and his supporters, "flunkies," and "apologists" (by which he must mean me among many others) are imprisoned in such numbers that vast new prisons are necessary (hat tip: Fred T)."

Keith Olbermann Says Trump Should Face the Death Penalty for Each Coronavirus Death  
 . . . "On Tuesday, during an unhinged rant about President Trump and his response to the coronavirus, Olbermann said that the president should be given the “death penalty” for “each count” of the 220,000 Americans who have died from the virus." . . . 

"In addition to calling for Trump to receive 220,000 death penalties. Olbermann also called the president a “mentally incompetent, inhuman, dumb bastard.”

"This isn’t Olbermann’s first foray into crazed commentary and calls for legal action against conservatives. Nearly two weeks ago, Olbermann said that Trump supporters were “maggots” who should all be “prosecuted.' ”.

I'm sure he meant it all in a nice way.

Are we not capable of seeing what the Democrat Party has become?

How can we ever look Ukraine in the eye again?

Nearly one out five voters would change their vote for Biden  ...According to OAN One America News, a survey from the Media Research Institute found that 17% of Biden voters regretted their votes. Some 45% said they had never heard of the Biden scandals, ranging from the sexual assault allegations from legislative staffer Tara Read, to the evidence of selling influence to China and other rogue actors found in the abandoned laptop of Biden's son Hunter. In the OAN interview, MRC's Dan Gainor told OAN's John Hines that 9% of those Biden voters surveyed said they would have changed their votes based on the news of corruption allegations, which had been repressed on social media and ignored by most of the mainstream press. (MRC does not have a link to the survey that I can find).

"That's a significant number of people, nearly one out of five." . . .

And yet they smile!

With early voting, it didn't matter. Early votes meant less campaigning to worry about for Joe Biden, and enable Democrat ballot harvestors to concentrate pressure on those who didn't.

 Are the people ready to rise?

. . . "We know beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt that the election is in process of being stolen by the Democrats and their collaborators in the media, the tech platforms, the intelligence agencies, and a significant cadre of electoral officials, to crown an obvious loser, incompetent, and scoundrel as the ostensible winner.

"We know that voter disenfranchisement and tainted electoral protocols were epidemic.

"We know that only partisan Democrats, treacherous Republicans, professional liars, corrupt parasites and cronies, and low-information voters could have possibly cast legitimate ballots for Biden.

"We know that many people — like some of our acquaintances — simply refuse to believe that a theft on so massive a national scale could have occurred.  Nothing to see here, no need to protest.  They are the movers-on, who could drag the scandal to fruition.

"And we know, if the election swindle is not exposed and its results invalidated, that the United States as a constitutional republic will effectively cease to exist, replaced by a hegemonic socialist regime.

"But there is one issue on which we tend to disagree." . . .

The 'smartest man in the room' has joined Sidney Powell's team

Andrea Widburg  "In her Georgia complaint, Sidney Powell included the declaration of Navid Keshavarz-Nia, an expert witness who stated under oath that there was massive computer fraud in the 2020 election, all of it intended to secure a victory for Joe Biden.  Dr. Kershavarz-Nia's name may not mean a lot to you, but it's one of the weightiest names in the world when it comes to sniffing out cyber-security problems.

"We know how important Dr. Kershavarz-Nia is because, just two and a half months ago, the New York Times ran one of its Sunday long-form articles about a massive, multi-million-dollar fraud that a talented grifter ran against the American intelligence and military communities.  Dr. Kershavarz-Nia is one of the few people who comes off looking good:"

Image by Miguel Guanipa. added by TD.

"Although he had no access to the machines, Dr. Kershavarz has looked at available data about the election and the vote results.  Based on that information, he concluded

1. The counts in the disputed states (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia) show electronic manipulation.

2. The simultaneous decision in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia to pretend to halt counting votes was unprecedented and demonstrated a coordinated effort to collude toward desired results.

3. One to two percent of votes were forged in Biden's favor.

4. Optical scanners were set to accept unverified, un-validated ballots.

5. The scanners failed to keep records for audits, an outcome that must have been deliberately programmed.

6. The stolen cryptographic key, which applied to all voting systems, was used to alter vote counts.

7. The favorable votes pouring in after hours for Biden could not be accounted for by a Democrat preference for mailed in ballots.  They demonstrated manipulation.  For example, in Pennsylvania, it was physically impossible to feed 400,000 ballots into the machines within 2–3 hours.

8. Dominion used Chinese parts, and there's reason to believe that China, Venezuela, Cuba interfered in the election. . . .

Friday, November 27, 2020

Trump Lawyer, Jenna Ellis, Looks Media Dead in the Eyes and HAMMERS Them For Failing to Cover Voter Fraud

 Adrienne's Corner

Trump Lawyer, Jenna Ellis, Looks Media Dead in the Eyes and HAMMERS Them For Failing to Cover Voter Fraud

“For forms of government let fools contest —
That which is best administered is best,” —

Federalist Paper 68 – The Mode of Electing the President   
. . . The process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications. Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity, may alone suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union, or of so considerable a portion of it as would be necessary to make him a successful candidate for the distinguished office of President of the United States. It will not be too strong to say, that there will be a constant probability of seeing the station filled by characters pre-eminent for ability and virtue. And this will be thought no inconsiderable recommendation of the Constitution, by those who are able to estimate the share which the executive in every government must necessarily have in its good or ill administration. Though we cannot acquiesce in the political heresy of the poet who says:" . . .

Media’s suppression of key stories likely gave Biden election win, study finds

"Democratic candidate Joe Biden likely won the presidency not based on any particular policies but because the media refused to cover several key stories and issues, according to a new analysis.

"A survey of 1,750 Biden voters in Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania — all but one, North Carolina, called for the former vice president — conducted on behalf of the Media Research Center asked respondents what they knew about eight issues or stories MRC believes were not sufficiently covered by the press.

"Of those surveyed, 17 percent said they would not have cast their ballot for Biden if they had known about at least one of the underrepresented stories.

"The eight issues selected by the MRC were:

— Sexual assault allegations against Biden dating back to the early 1990s by then-Senate aide Tara Reade;

— Allegations of corruption involving son Hunter Biden, that included possible kickbacks to the former vice president;

— Sen. Kamala Harris’ extreme left-wing views on several issues;

— How the economy snapped back quickly from the recession caused by widespread mandatory business closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic;

— Historic peace deals the Trump administration forged between Israel and a number of Arab neighbors;

— U.S. energy independence under President Trump, which resulted in the country becoming a net oil exporter for the first time;

— The success of “Operation Warp Speed” to quickly get a coronavirus vaccine to market.

 "According to the survey, 82 percent of Biden’s voters were not aware of at least one of those issues.

"Regarding Reade’s allegations of sexual assault, 35.4 percent of respondents said they were not aware of them. Meanwhile, 8.9 percent said had they been they would have either voted for President Donald Trump, a third-party candidate, no presidential candidate or would not have voted at all. MRC-aligned NewsBusters said this issue alone had the potential to flip Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to President Trump."


Detroit Lions and Houston Texans Quarterbacks Kneel During Anthem to Show Their Disgust for America on Thanksgiving Day

 The Gateway Pundit  "Thanksgiving Day is an annual holiday to celebrate the blessings of the past year.

"But not everyone is grateful to be from the United States of America.

"Professional athletes in the US are now cheerleaders in anti-American hate.'They kneel down for the US Anthem out of pure hatred for the country of their birth.

"The Detroit Lions traditionally play a game every Thanksgiving Day.  This is an American tradition."

Round 2 of the Great Trump War Sets the Stage for Round 3

Whatever Biden does, if Trump plays it right, he is the future, not the past. Barring a Damascene conversion to more civilized times, Biden and his managers are caretaking placeholders, and Trump retains the tremendous momentum he has built for a new Republican coalition.

 Conrad Black

"Whatever Biden does, if Trump plays it right, he is the future, not the past."

"The Great Trump War is approaching the end of round two. The president predicted the abuse of unsolicited mass-mailed ballots and ballot harvesting, but did not put an adequate legal team in place on the ground in time with the necessary resources to combat it. He is not blameless in the incoherence and disorganization of this blizzard of uncoordinated lawsuits his counsel have mounted, or in the ambiguity of the status and implausibility of the claims advanced by the estimable Sidney Powell. 

"The president’s move on Monday to begin accommodation of the transition activities of the Biden camp indicates that he has moved in time to maintain his legitimate allegations of election skulduggery while also providing a reasonable facsimile of a philosophical acceptance of the likely fact of Biden’s election, though not of its impeccable legitimacy. This will enable him to maintain the rage of his scores of millions of ardent supporters, who constitute by far the greatest block of followers of any current American political leader—easily surpassing Obama, who has backtracked in his latest memoir to false racialization (the last refuge of contemporary American political scoundrels), and the Clintons, whose prestige is crumbling every week, the faded Bushes, who were never stem-winders even in the best of times, and certainly Joe Biden, caretaker for an historical intermission.

"All the Trump-haters’ claims that he would unleash his followers’ violence if he did not win the election have vanished down the same sewer as the prophecies of impending Russian election interference and the postmaster general’s evanescently infamous voter suppression (a complete fiction). " . . .

Barack Obama Forgets That He Put Immigrants in Cages, Attacks Trump Over Policy

 Barack Obama Forgets That He Put Immigrants in Cages, Attacks Trump Over Policy

. . . "Of course, the first thing I should point out is that Obama is once again repeating the lie that Trump made racist comments about Mexicans. Joe Biden and others typically claim that Trump called all Mexicans “rapists” and “criminals,” which he did not and 
it’s easy to prove that he did not.

"But what really got me was when he said Trump “puts undocumented workers in cages.”

"Umm, really? Did Obama actually go there? Remember when Joe Biden attacked Trump for putting immigrant children in cages during the campaign? During the second debate, President Trump responded to this attack by repeatedly asking Biden: “Who built the cages?”

"Of course, Biden didn’t answer the question, for the same reason Obama would have been best not to even bring up the cages, because Barack Obama and Joe Biden built the cages.

"Back in June 2019, Barack Obama’s former ICE chief, Thomas Homan, acknowledged at a conference hosted by the Center for Immigration Studies that the “cages” blamed on Trump were the product of the Obama administration. “I’ve been to that facility, where they talk about cages. That facility was built under President Obama under (Homeland Security) Secretary Jeh Johnson. I was there because I was there when it was built,” Homan said."

Biden climate envoy John Kerry is a lifelong joke

NY Post  "What was Joe Biden thinking for his choice of climate-change ambassador extraordinaire? John Kerry is one of the biggest gasbags in American politics, singlehandedly responsible for massive amounts of terrible emissions.

"People have been laughing at him since Yale, when “Doonesbury” creator Garry Trudeau was zinging his pretentious, vacuous self-promotion.

"We look forward to the anti-carbon lectures from a guy who travels the globe on private jets and luxury yachts.

"Set aside his deer-in-the-headlights loss as the Democrats’ presidential nominee in 2004. He was a joke as secretary of state under President Barack Obama — off on his yacht during Egypt’s 2013 military coup.

"He vowed a crushing response when Syria crossed Obama’s infamous “red line” — only to have Obama pull the rug out from under him and agree to let Russia pretend to take Syria’s chemical weapons away instead.

"Kerry also cluelessly “negotiated” the Iran nuclear deal even as the real talks were being run out of the White House; then he had to pretend to cheer an accord that gave away several points he’d said were non-negotiable, such as truly tough inspection requirements.

"And he helped craft the 2015 Paris climate accord — a performative non-binding “triumph.”

"The Kerry-initiated Israeli-Palestinian peace talks of 2013-14 went absolutely nowhere. He later blasted President Trump over moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, insisting it would cause “an absolute explosion” — when it actually helped bring unprecedented Arab-Israeli rapprochement.

"The only conclusion you can draw is that Biden, having vowed to make fighting climate change a top priority, simply wants someone who’ll look like he’s trying hard — but won’t actually get anything done."