Sorry to be a downer, but Biden is indeed our president, for better or worse. TD
American Thinker "It is hard to imagine a worse start to a presidency than Joe Biden signing 42 executive orders in a fenced-in Washington D.C. The inauguration showed a strong military presence, but few actual citizens. This presidency bears no resemblance to democracy. None at all. And now, with the stroke of a pen, Biden has alienated American Catholics and other Christians who hold strong values about life. When asked about the abortion policies of the new administration, White House press secretary Jen Psaki responded that Biden is a devout Catholic who had gone to Mass on inauguration day. Yet, one week later, Biden proved that he is not devout or even Catholic on the issue of abortion. It is baffling why he considered it an urgent matter to end the Mexico City Policy that restricts taxpayer funding of abortion providers overseas. Originally promoted by Ronald Reagan, the Mexico City Policy enjoys broad, bipartisan support of Americans. Over three-quarters of the population, including people who are pro-choice, support this policy.
"There is no pressing need, then, to revoke this popular, longstanding policy, yet this is exactly what Biden did on January 28, the day before the annual March for Life. Why is this cruel extension his first priority when it shatters the unity he spoke about? In Catholicism, abortion is a grave evil because it takes a life." . . .
CNN Tries to Shame Daily Caller for Asking About Biden's Catholicism, But It Backfires
. . . "The presumptive Democratic nominee does not just support abortion — he supports a wide array of extremely radical policies promoting the killing of unborn babies in the womb. According to his campaign website, Biden supports repealing the Hyde Amendment (which protects pro-life taxpayers from funding a practice they consider to be murder), rescinding the Mexico City Policy (which prevents abortion funding overseas), striking down state limits on abortion, and restoring federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
"Biden has also bragged about his character assassination of Robert Bork, the Supreme Court nominee whose last name became a verb thanks to the vitriol he endured. The former vice president insisted that he protected Roe v. Wade (1973) by defeating Bork." . . .