Think Pelosi's sixteen-year-old voters will pick more competent national leaders than what we have now?
How to Start a War – PJ Media . . . "Putin earlier had concluded that Trump was dangerously unpredictable, and perhaps best not provoked. After all, the Trump administration took out Russian mercenaries in Syria. It beefed up defense spending and upped sanctions.
"The Trump administration flooded the world with cheap oil to Russia’s chagrin. It pulled out from asymmetrical missile treaties with Russia. It sold sophisticated arms to the Ukrainians. The Russians concluded that Trump might do anything, and so waited for another president before again testing America.
"In contrast, Biden often talks provocatively — while carrying a twig. He has gratuitously called Putin “a killer.” And he warned that the Russian dictator “will pay a price” for supposedly interfering in the 2020 election.
"Unfortunately, Biden’s bombast follows four years of a Russian-collusion hoax, fueled by a concocted dossier paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the campaign of 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton." . . .
Ukraine standoff: Putin will bear 'very painful consequences' if troops cross border | Daily Mail Online Biden learned to be a world leader from Obama.
'Washington should realize that it will have to pay a price for the degradation of the bilateral ties,' Zakharova said, adding that 'the responsibility for that will fully lie with the United States.'
"She said the ministry has summoned the U.S. ambassador for a 'hard conversation,' but wouldn't immediately say what action Russia will take. " . . .
"The response by the UK and US would be heavy on rhetoric rather than military action, thereby providing Putin with another propaganda victory in time for the Russian parliamentary elections later this year. As this game plays out, London and Washington appear impotent, all words and no intervention – because there is simply no desirable course of action for Nato's leading partners to embark upon to influence Russia's affairs.
"This lack of options is as obvious to Putin as it is to anyone else. The reality is only he is in a position to call the shots.
WATCH: Biden Says He Really Gave Putin What-For Over Alleged Election Interference, Proposed Summit This Summer – RedState; Kinda like Obama telling us he told Putin to "cut it out"?
Vladimir Putin Rejects Joe Biden Invite to Meet in Person (
Insanity Wrap #188: While Biden Bumbled, Putin Went on War Footing on Land and Sea – PJ Media "With the taking of Crimea in 2014 on Obama’s watch, and Russia’s effective blockade of the Kerch Strait while Biden bumbled, Russia has annexed Ukraine’s biggest port and has now put several others out of business.
"Putin just scored his first big win against a vacillating new administration. It reminds Insanity Wrap all-too-much of the time Kruschev did something similar against JFK in his first year in office, and then decided it would be simply fabulous to put nuclear missiles in Cuba.
"We all know how that turned out." . . .
Biden Declares Threat from Russia a 'National Emergecy' | Neon Nettle
"Joe Biden has signed an executive order to officially declare the threat from Russia a "national emergency."
"Biden signed the declaration on Thursday as the White House hit Russia with fresh sanctions.
"The U.S. Department of State also said it is expelling ten Russian officials from the Kremlin’s bilateral mission.
"Today, we announced actions to hold the Russian Government to account for the SolarWinds intrusion, reports of bounties on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, and attempts to interfere in the 2020 U.S. elections," Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced.". . .