. . . "Tocqueville's prediction is frightening. If the Union were "threatened" — and we constantly hear now about how it's threatened: threatened by domestic terrorism, threatened by white men, threatened by Donald Trump, threatened by "lies," threatened by right-wing extremism, threatened by anything that isn't the anti-American left, etc. — then the presidency would assume its supreme prerogative and powers and govern dictatorially.
"Get ready, folks. With the Democrats back in the White House, we will hear, constantly, how America is threatened by something just so the dictatorship of the Democratic presidency can rule without checks and balances, without pushback, without consent or accountability. (So much for democracy.)
"The real enemies of democracy are the Democrats and their cronies all over the media, Big Business, and destructive activism. Conservatives need to understand this and call them out on their anti-democratic agenda. We are the real guardians of democracy, the rule of the people, and the sanctity and importance of civil society against the encroachments of the totalitarian and parasitic bureaucratic state. And we mustn't be afraid to use power to check power. That was the original purpose of the Constitution and why the power and vibrancy of civil society and the courts must be crushed by the Democrats to make us all subservient to the federal state."