Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Decriminalizing gang bangers, Soros prosecutor Kim Foxx declines to charge five arrested in fatal gang shootout, citing ‘mutual combatants’

Thomas Lifson  "Chicago now is like Dodge City before Marshal Dillon arrived: a fatal shootout on its streets is no crime because both sides were shooting.  The Windy City already is world famous for shootouts on its streets, with an astounding 3,625 shootings so far this year, 623 of them fatal. (That death toll would be higher save for the city’s superb medical care for gunshot victims, made possible by all the practice its trauma surgeons receive.) But how many more shooting matches will start now that the word is going out that you can escape charges in a gang shootout -- even if someone is killed -- if both sides are shooting?  

"An escalating number of shootouts is the inescapable implication of the decision of the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office to release all five suspects arrested in a fatal shootout between rival gangs in the city’s Southside Austin neighborhood, not too far from the Obama Monument.  The head of that office, Kim Foxx, was elected with considerable financial support from George Soros, who has help elect many soft-on-crime prosecutors across the US. Tom Schuba writes in the Chicago Sun-Times: . . .

. . . "It looks a lot like the Foxx standard for prosecuting now is to let everyone off unless one side fails to respond to an attack by fighting back.

"Foxx’s office is sticking to the lack of evidence story, blaming police, but leaving the door open for future prosecution (just in case public pressure becomes irresistible?)". . . 

Democrats taking America into the toilet

"When a freak shows up, Joe Biden takes the side of the freak."

 Joe Biden insults Sinema and Manchin, the very senators he needs to win over for his porkulus spending  "Joe Biden is known for his incompetence. Despite that, he's billed, both by himself and his press pals, as nevertheless a master legislator, a man who knows his way around Congress, a man whose decades of congressional experience makes him a president who can get things done.

"Turns out he's stupid there, too.

"His trillion-dollar "infrastructure" stimulus and its attendent $3.5 trillion "budget reconciliation" pork, which he considers central to his legacy, are hanging by a thread in "Congress, as two Democratic senators hesitate.

"What does old Joe do about these two Democratic senators he needs to persuade to come on over to his side?

"Unlike normal people, who'd be very, very, nice to them in order to get them in his tree and then reach the desired goal, Joe goes and insults them. He spewed an amazing string of disgusting comments that could only be construed as insults against them yesterday.. . .

. . .  "When a freak shows up, Joe Biden takes the side of the freak.

"That tells us a lot about this loser and his tin ear for politics. He's unfit, he's inept, he's incompetent -- and not just wrong on nearly every foreign policy issue, as Bob Gates has said, but politically incompetent even from his own perspective. With his insults to Sinema and Manchin, who tend to dig in anyway when they want to go independent, the failure of Biden's porkulus now seems inevitable."  

Russia Today: Activists blasted for ‘sickening’ bathroom stalking of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, sharing video of grilling over ...

American Spectator

George Soros: The Left’s Favorite Billionaire

George Soros Caught Funding Harassment Campaign against Kyrsten Sinema

. . . "Now it has emerged that the open borders group behind last weekend’s harassment of Sinema at Arizona State University (ASU) was paid for by Soros - one of the Democratic Party's biggest donors.

"On Saturday, Sinema was followed and hounded by aggressive illegal alien activists with the group Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA), with footage of the incident going viral across social media.

"The group is demanding amnesty for all illegal aliens living in the United States, estimated to be 11 to 22 million people.". . .  

SoroI Is Is George Soros Our BIGGEST Enemy?  Soros has had a vendetta against America for decades and nobody really knows why.

. . . "Maybe Germany’s defeat at hands of the US pulled him out of the happiest time of his life.

"Maybe he’s a self-loather that sees the worst of himself in the best of America and he doesn’t like to see that reflected back at him.

"Who knows?

What we do know is Soros had a twisted childhood, which more than likely created a twisted man.

He’s not somebody to be revered…

He’s somebody to be wary of – because if he feels NOTHING for selling out his own people…

How do you think he’d feel bringing those he hates under the boot heel of oppression?". . . 

...“You know, I learned at a very early age that what kind of social system or political system prevails is very important. Not just for your well-being, but for your very survival. Because, you know, I could have been killed by the Nazis. I could have wasted my life under the Communists. So, that’s what led me to this idea of an open society. And that is the idea that is motivating me.” – George Soros

Bill O’Reilly Says George Soros Has ‘Harmed America’ More than Anyone Else  . . .“ 'Soros, behind it,” O’Reilly added. “Happy birthday, George. Of all the people in my entire 46-year career, George Soros, in my opinion, has harmed America more than any other human being on the planet.

“ 'More than [Osama] bin Laden. More than ISIS. He has subverted our traditional system of justice, he has supported the worst Bolshevik elements you could support,” the host noted further, a reference to the Communist faction that took over Russia after World War I.". . .  

. . . "Police are certainly onto Soros and the anarchy-inducing prosecutors whose elections he purchases for them. They loathe the DA’s he helps get into office because it makes their jobs harder and empowers people to break the law because they know they’re not going to be punished."...

‘Candace’ host slams George Soros’ $500K campaign to keep Austin’s police force defunded on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ #FoxNews #FoxNewsPrimetime

Monday, October 4, 2021

Parody: After 5-Year Stint In Evening News, Stephen Colbert To Consider Return To Comedy

 Babylon Bee Parody  "NEW YORK CITY, NY—“I haven’t told a funny joke in a very, very long time,” quipped CBS Evening News Anchor Stephen Colbert wistfully to his staff, who nodded in agreement while producing a serious video essay about how all forms of wrongthink inevitably lead people of all races to espouse white supremacy.

"Colbert admitted his longing for a return to doing and saying funny things was reignited by his many die-hard fans who have been pointing out on social media how he used to be so hilarious.

" 'Remember when I hosted The Late Show?” He mused to a writer of ambiguous gender and hair color. “Things sure changed for me against my will once the despotic ruler was democratically elected, forcing me to upend my comedy career.”

"Taking a break from listing derogatory names for unvaccinated individuals, Colbert took a stab at writing a joke. His staffers erupted in laughter after he displayed the slip of paper upon which he had penned the hilarious three-word sketch: “Orange man bad.”

" 'I’ve still got it,” Colbert laughed.

"At press time, the writers of The Babylon Bee announced that they were inspired by Colbert's return to comedy and will stop reporting real news to try out comedy as well."

How does Stephen Colbert the man remain a Catholic when Stephen Colbert the caricature does such a good job making Catholicism ridiculous?

Fauci isn't sure that you can gather for Christmas, but is sure that you must give up your individual rights

Thomas Lifson  "The highest-paid bureaucrat in the entire federal government went on Face the Nation yesterday and let his mask slip.  He might as well have put on a Grinch costume when he responded to a question from host Margaret Brennan on whether or not people could gather for Christmas this year and answered that it is too early to tell:"

HOLIDAY LOOKAHEAD: "It’s just too soon to tell," Dr. Anthony Fauci tells when pressed whether or not people can safely gather together for Christmas this year. He says the country should instead concentrate on getting COVID cases down.. . . 

Doctor Grinch

"Fresh off the heels of his star turn as the Teeny Tiny Tyrant, Dr. Anthony Fauci has cast himself in a new role – this time as Doctor Grinch.

Is there no role he can’t play?

Well, there is one. Doctor Grinch has never played the role of a duly elected representative of the American people.

Doctor Grinch is an unelected bureaucrat accountable to no one.

Just the way he likes it.

Doctor Grinch can make recommendations, sure. But he does not have any authority to order us to avoid family on Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Come to think of it, no elected official has that authority either.

Say, remember fifteen days to slow the spread? Good times.

How naïve and trusting so many Americans were back then."

Are the Russia hoax's 'big fish' finally in John Durham's crosshairs?

"Hillary Clinton remained mum Thursday after Special Counsel John Durham's indictment of her lawyer Michael Sussman for making up the Trump-Russia collusion hoax to the FBI in 2016. His testimony could ruin Hillary. The coroner listed his time of death at around three AM, tomorrow." Argus Hamilton 

Andrea Widburg  "Of the many positions Kash Patel held during Trump's presidency, his most important was as an aide to Devin Nunes when the latter worked doggedly to reveal that the Democrats' Russiagate charges were a hoax coming from the Democrat party — specifically, from Hillary Clinton's campaign.  Given Patel's insider's knowledge of events, it means something when he appears on Maria Bartiromo's Fox show on Sunday mornings and says he believes that Special Prosecutor John Durham is on the verge of issuing some serious indictments against big players in the Russia hoax.

"Patel's predictions about Durham are the first thing that Bartiromo elicits from him during the interview:"

"RealClearPolitics has helpfully provided a transcript of the interview:

MARIA BARTIROMO: When do you believe the FBI figured out that all of this was just one political campaign trying to take down another?

KASH PATEL: I think they knew right away." . . .

To Save America, Durham Must Reveal the Whole Russiagate Story and Punish the Guilty    "A bit more information has emerged from the John Durham investigation into Russiagate (or “Spygate,”as it is known hereabouts).

"This is due to what is likely a leak from one or more of the targets to their loyal propagandists at CNN. (In the article, the reporters do their best to downgrade the scandal they fanned for years as no more than a trivial “dirty trick” that all campaigns do. There’s a well-known word for that adapted into the English language.)

"The import of these leaks is usually to soften the impact on the target(s), but it also gives us another indication Durham is still active.". . . 

. . . "The other Clinton campaign lawyer, Michael Sussman, has already been charged with lying to the FBI on the matter of alleged Trump links to the Russian Alpha Bank, ties that turned out to be non-existent.". . . 

John Durham Dissects a Smear Campaign  "This is the third in a series of articles analyzing the 27-page federal grand jury indictment charging lawyer Michael Sussmann with making a false statement to the FBI. The second article analyzed the indictment’s detailed factual averments that spelled out how Sussmann and others conspired to concoct a false but “plausible” narrative purportedly demonstrating the existence of a secret channel of internet communications between the Trump Organization, owned by Donald Trump, and the Russian Alfa Bank. The article ended at the point where Sussmann was about to meet with James Baker, the general counsel of the FBI.". . . 

Kash Patel Sunday: Durham And More

The "Fake Woke" rap

Bookworm Room  " "They never freed the slaves, they realized that they don't need the chains. They gave us tiny screens, we think we free 'cause we can't see the cage." Tom Macdonald"

Pelosi's Little Big Horn

Don Surber

I blame Afghanistan. Biden's sudden, confused, and disorderly flee from Kabul showed he is old, incompetent, and out of touch.

"Democrats have discovered something worse than having a septuagenarian as president: having an octogenarian as House speaker.

"Nancy Pelosi just suffered a week from hell. (Unkind people would say a taste of her future.)

"First, Joe Manchin stopped if only temporarily her party's Only Fans donors spendathon. In response, the AOC (Already Openly Communist) Crowd stopped the bipartisan Only Everyone's Donors spendathon.

"Business Insider reported, "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday pulled a vote on President Joe Biden's $550 billion infrastructure bill. It's a major setback for Democrats as moderate and progressive feuds deepened over Biden's domestic agenda.". . . 

Habitual Liar Joe Biden Confronts the Winds of Truth

Joe's lying is said to be "habitual". Hillary's was called "congenital". They are Democrats so either is operative. TD

The explosion of knowledge and of freedom in modern times has made the world immensely more complicated than the world our grandparents knew. Yet for liberty to be for all and not just the few, the commitment to knowledge and truth for all is of first importance.

The American Spectator  "In the way that the last president was enamored of hyperbole and name-calling, the current president is enamored of outright lies. The $3.5 trillion “infrastructure” bill won’t cost anything; the generals all agreed with his assessment of Afghanistan; no American will be left behind; the exit from Afghanistan was a great triumph; as well as the many false assertions he has made about his own life that cross into the bizarre.

"Lying by American politicians is not something new. It was said by White House reporters of that day that when Lyndon Johnson lied, he gave it away by a motion of his body. No, it wasn’t pulling his ear that indicated a lie was to follow, nor was it the blink of his eyes. The telltale sign, they said, was when his jaws moved.

"But there is a major difference between LBJ’s ’60s and now. The institutions of home and of faith were still overwhelmingly strong back then. There was a robust consensus of what was decent civil behavior that covered the vast majority of Americans, whether conservative, moderate, or liberal. When the government’s lies began to be exposed during the grind of war and social upheaval, there was a powerful wave of revulsion that would sweep Johnson out of office, radicalize the Democrats, and see the end of the era of consensus, civility, and shared national purpose that had seemed so powerful after our victory over fascism in World War II.

"Lying shows the contempt or the fear a politician has of his constituents. Contempt, because he believes his audience is gullible enough to believe him; and fear because he believes that he could not have the power and influence he wants honestly.

"So many of the fundamentals of Western democracy are based on the biblical tradition. Ancient nations had their priesthoods and god-rulers, whose power was all the evidence needed that they were divine and their power legitimate. Knowledge was tightly controlled. Hieroglyphics and pictographs could only be mastered by an elite few. Literacy and knowledge were dangerous, for if everyone could know truth, the elites would lose their monopoly and wealth and influence would have to be worked for much harder.". . . 

Every morning we must dread what Democrats will do to us next

REPORT: Democrat Infrastructure Bill Contains Pilot Plan To Tax People Per Mile Driven   "Do you like the idea of being taxed for every mile you drive? Democrats do.

"Buried in their massive infrastructure bill is a pilot for just such a plan. Think of it as a dry run.

"This idea has two benefits, as Democrats see it. First, they get a new source of tax revenue. Second, they discourage people from driving their own cars, which helps fight climate change. This is actually the way they think.

"The Daily Mail reported:

"Pilot plan to tax drivers per MILE hidden in Biden’s $1.2 trillion deal

"American drivers could soon trade paying taxes on gas at the pump for owing the government annual ‘per-mile user fees,’ under a new pilot program recently passed by the Senate in Joe Biden’s $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal.". . . 

Immigration officials worried about "catastrophic surge" if Trump-era policy is lifted 

As opposed to what they have done already

. . . "According to Politico, DHS is able to deport migrants much more quickly under this rule, citing the COVID-19 pandemic as the reason.". . . 

Did you ever think you’d live to see “government of the people, by the people, for the people” become government AGAINST the people?

Lancet Journal Apologizes After Referring to Women as ‘Bodies With Vaginas’ in Latest Edition Allie Beth Stuckey:

You rarely hear men referred to as anything other than men. And yet we constantly hear women reduced to their anatomy - “people with uteruses,” etc. How do you not see the objectification, the erasure, the misogyny? How? How are people’s brains so incredibly mushy?

Immigration Activists Stalk and Ambush Sen. Sinema in a Bathroom "The left is ticked at Sinema and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) because they do not want to vote for the $3.5 trillion pork bill. Therefore, the loud and rambunctious people will harass them whenever possible.

"Immigration activists ambushed moderate Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) in a bathroom at Arizona State University."   Doing what Maxine Waters wanted.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Imposes Nation’s 1st Coronavirus Vaccine Mandate for Schoolchildren   "Bypassing the parents’ decision-making process for this vaccine and insisting all schoolchildren get shots is not based on public health or sound epidemiology."

Hollywood Celebrities Rally for ‘Abortion Justice’: ‘Support Womxn and Non-Binary Bodies’  Silly voters bring us ridiculous leaders.

The Squad Brings Islam To America   "Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and other Squad members have been voted into representational positions. But they are not who they profess to be. Ungrateful for the opportunities, they are not here to Americanize, but to Islamize America, beginning with sowing the seeds of hate and discord. Such is the purpose of the jihada."

Wait! Isn't it sexist to place the letter "a" at the end of a noun to feminize it? TD

The Obedient, the Brainless, and the Woking Dead   "Being “woke” must be exhausting. If I had worn a t-shirt five years ago that read “All Lives Matter,” I would have taken first place at the Mark Ruffalo “Enlightened White Guy” Contest. Janeane Garofalo would have slept with me (eww) and then made me a tofu sandwich. Today, such a shirt would get me fired for being a bigot."...


Gender Ideology Run Amok ... "
How did we get to this point? How is it that we are all supposed to pretend that the only way you can know I’m a woman is if I tell you my pronouns? How did we get to an America in which a 13-year-old in the State of Washington can begin “gender affirming” therapy without her parents’ consent? How did we get to an America in which a 15-year-old in Oregon can undergo “top surgery”—elective double mastectomy—without her parents’ permission? And what can we do about it?"...
I’ve spoken to families at top girls’ schools who attest that 15, 20, or in one case 30 percent of the girls in their daughter’s seventh grade class identify as trans. When you see figures like that, you’re witnessing a social contagion in action. There is no other reasonable explanation. 

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Biden’s Dishonesty And Dementia Are Causing Problems For Him – And The Nation

As a physician, I strongly suspect a connection between Biden’s cognitive decline and the acceleration of his dissembling and bumbling. People who are suffering from dementia often make up things to fill gaps in their memory and ability to reason. Then again, it could just be that a long and illustrious career of lying is hard to shake off. 

Reality Bites

 Issues & Insights  "As both a baseball fan and an observer of politics, I often hark back to Yogi Berra’s memorable quip, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” However, I think I nailed it in this concluding paragraph of an April article:

One thing is for certain; we can expect to see continuing validation from President (Joe) Biden of the old quip, ‘How can you tell when a politician is lying? His lips are moving.’ But in the same way that you can’t take your eyes off a train wreck in progress, it will be fascinating to see whether the salient feature of Biden’s presidency will be his mendacity or his dementia — or some incendiary admixture of the two.

"It seems clear that we’re seeing the effects of both.

"First, some recent examples of Biden’s ongoing unfamiliarity with the truth. His insistence that there was “unanimity” among his civilian and military advisers about the disastrous plan to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan and about the “success” of his border and immigration policies is patently absurd. Military leaders understand how to conduct strategic withdrawals, and our southern border leaks like a sieve. The president’s Sept. 24 comments about the costs of the massive “infrastructure” legislation favored by the administration were both ludicrous and barely coherent, both of which are current Biden trademarks:

“ 'We talk about price tags. The – it is zero price tag on the debt.  We’re paying – we’re going to pay for everything we spend.  So they say it’s not – you know, people, understandably – ‘Well, you know, it started off at $6 trillion, now it’s $3.5 trillion. Now it’s – is it going to be $2.9? Is it …’
“ 'It’s going to be zero – zero. Because in the – in that plan that I put forward – and I said from the outset – I said, ‘I’m running to change the dynamic of how the economy grows.’” 

"A zero price tag? As Gerard Baker observed in a Wall Street Journal column, “The Biden bill is paid for by the largest tax increase in history. You are entitled to argue that is a cost worth paying, but you can’t argue it costs nothing.” The Babylon Bee offered this amusing take on the Biden claim:

Wife Claims $3.5 Trillion Spending Spree At Target Actually Cost $0

. . .