Thomas Lifson "Chicago now is like Dodge City before Marshal Dillon arrived: a fatal shootout on its streets is no crime because both sides were shooting. The Windy City already is world famous for shootouts on its streets, with an astounding 3,625 shootings so far this year, 623 of them fatal. (That death toll would be higher save for the city’s superb medical care for gunshot victims, made possible by all the practice its trauma surgeons receive.) But how many more shooting matches will start now that the word is going out that you can escape charges in a gang shootout -- even if someone is killed -- if both sides are shooting?
"An escalating number of shootouts is the inescapable implication of the decision of the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office to release all five suspects arrested in a fatal shootout between rival gangs in the city’s Southside Austin neighborhood, not too far from the Obama Monument. The head of that office, Kim Foxx, was elected with considerable financial support from George Soros, who has help elect many soft-on-crime prosecutors across the US. Tom Schuba writes in the Chicago Sun-Times: . . .
. . . "It looks a lot like the Foxx standard for prosecuting now is to let everyone off unless one side fails to respond to an attack by fighting back.
"Foxx’s office is sticking to the lack of evidence story, blaming police, but leaving the door open for future prosecution (just in case public pressure becomes irresistible?)". . .