"Polling makes clear that the public is fully aware of, and disconcerted by, the alarming shortcomings of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris alike; but at the same time, there is little if any appreciation of the unprecedented vulnerability to the United States due to those further down in the line of succession. Old age, timidity, and lack of qualification abound among those who might be thrust into the job of most powerful individual on earth, charged with leading the free world.". . .
. . ."Today we are met with an even more vexing problem: why are blue-state politicians taking actions that are patently insane from an electoral point of view? What could possibly be the curious motivations of blue state governors and mayors as they order their police departments not to stop the current plague of BLM riots that are turning their cities into bombed-out wastelands?
"It's normally a safe assumption that elected officials not only want to be re-elected, they desire to move to higher office. It's been said that when any state governor looks in a mirror, a future President of the United States looks back, and many mayors and prosecutors have become governors.
"Instead of building resumes suitable for advancement, we see blue state officials responding to the widespread Black Lives Matter riots according to a pattern which apparently goes against their interest in winning the coming November elections. We see as them acting against their own apparent best interests, just as Mr. Frank thought Kansas voters acted against their interests. Like Mr. Frank, we'll offer explanations; perhaps we'll do better than he did in coming up with sensible ones.". . .
Why the Madness of Democrats? Part 2 | Scragged. . .
Why the Madness of Democrats? Part 3 | Scragged. . .
The seeds of today’s madness were planted decades ago – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman
"Political journalist Doug Ross yesterday re-posted an essay he had written a decade ago, which had successfully predicted the crime wave we are undergoing today.". . .
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Obama and his Democrat sycophants in Congress will have created hundreds of thousands of single-parent families. These kids, born out-of-wedlock, will find themselves trapped in lives of criminality at far higher rates than kids from two-parent families.
Fast forward a dozen years, give or take a couple, and we will see a true Obama Crime Wave. I predict that we will see an unprecedented increase in crime. In fact, you could call it historic.
And the question is not whether it will happen. The question is just how bad it will be.
"Ross’s prediction in 2011 was of course guaranteed to be right, as good social science research since the early and mid-twentieth century had shown that if you raise children in broken homes, chaos ensues when they reach adulthood.
"I think however that Ross and most previous researchers have missed half the equation. Broken homes certainly produce adults who don’t know right from wrong, and thus become hardened and violent criminals.
"However, broken homes also produce adults who become politicians and lawyers and entertainers and businessmen, and though these individuals might not be violent criminals, they themselves no longer can conceive and put forth policies that encourage the rule of law and a truly just society. We can see this fact in the effort during the past two years by Democratic Party politicians to “defund the police” and to eliminate all bail, thus giving criminals a free rein in the states and cities run by Democrats. These politicians might sincerely believe these policies will reduce crime, but they do so because they themselves no longer have good judgment. They have been raised in a society of broken homes, and carry with them that curse into adulthood.". . .
"The worst aspect of this social tragedy is its long term consequences. You can’t fix this by simply ending the bad social policies from the past. The adults raised under them still exist, and still do not have the emotional training to build a civilized world, or even maintain a secure two-parent family for their own children. Their children are likely going to be broken as well, no matter what the government policy. Chaos will remain, and it will continue to wreck its havoc for many more decades.". . .
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