Biden could be held criminally liable in at least two of the states where it is alleged he solicited prostitutes. Under Massachusetts state law, it is illegal to engage in sexual conduct for a fee. The offense carries a maximum sentence of two and a half years imprisonment or a maximum fine of $5,000. In New York, Biden could be charged with criminal solicitation in the fifth degree.
"Professional problem child and part-time Ukrainian natural gas businessman Hunter Biden spent thousands to hire escorts while simultaneously receiving large sums of President Joe Biden’s money, according to Andrew Kerr and Jerry Dunleavy of the Washington Examiner. The junior Biden received a total of $100,000 from his father between December 2018 and January 2019, according to records found on his laptop. Hunter spent $30,000 between November and March of those same years on visits from Russian escort agency UberGFE. The younger Biden told his father that the money was to help pay alimony, his daughter’s tuition and rent, and for his stay at a drug rehabilitation facility.
"In particular, Joe Biden sent his son $5,000 on January 18, 2019, the same day Hunter requested an escort for an additional eight hours and required more money to cover the costs. Joe Biden’s aide, Richard Ruffner, told Hunter Biden that $5,000 was the most that could be sent on account of weekly Cash App limitations. Hunter Biden later sent a video to a member of the escort agency of a pay dispute between him and the escort that featured Biden repeatedly declaring that the escort had not been harmed.
"According to a report from Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, “Hunter Biden ‘sent thousands of dollars’ to people either involved in ‘transactions consistent with possible human trafficking.’” Some of Hunter Biden’s transactions “are linked to ‘what appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring,’” the report said. ". . .