The American Spectator | USA News and Politics "That “Inflation Reduction Act” the Democrats passed a week ago on Capitol Hill is best known, at this point, for its most brazen horror — which is of course the 87,000 IRS agents it will inflict on the American people.
"But that bill is also one of the most horrific assaults on American manufacturing and fossil fuel extraction in history, all in the name of fighting “climate change.”
"This column accepts none of the premises of the global environmental Left when it comes to their unproven/disproven theories about anthropogenic global warming. It made that point clear when Greta “Scoldilocks” Thunberg made her way to our shores. But, here’s the truth about global warming, or “climate change”: it’s a ruse, a pretext, a crooked game.
"There is no reason that game can’t be rigged the opposite way. It’s about time the Republican Party stopped playing Washington Generals on Capitol Hill and started cutting out the legs of the grifters on the Left.
"What are we talking about here? Well, the other side has been bobbing and weaving in an effort to foist this implausible narrative that your GMC Acadia and your 70-inch TV are killing the planet and it’ll be uninhabitable in a dozen years — a narrative they’ve been attempting to convince you of for well more than a dozen years. When Thunberg came onto the scene, she showed something the perspiration pimps of the climate change movement probably regret putting on display — namely, that ceaseless apocalyptic advocacy along the global warming lines is turning too many kids into psychopaths terrified of their own shadows and angrily demanding the deindustrialization of the West.
"That is the sum total of Greta Thunberg’s crusade, and she is the single most visible figure among the global warming creeps of the past five years if not more.
"But if we were to surrender to this grift, this idea that if we don’t returto plows driven by oxen and commuters sweating away on bicycles as we surrender to global socialism of the Klaus Schwab variety, we’ll burn up the planet, would it even matter?". . .