The intersection of programmable ladies and imperious, cunning men? Well, apparently biological women groveling to biological men who are appropriating all things feminine, and cold-blooded baby murder.
Olivia Murray; American Thinker "The scene between Drew Barrymore and Dylan Mulvaney was like something out of an Arthurian legend where Guinevere clasped at the hem of her knight’s tunic, or a film that hearkens back to Hollywood’s earliest era where the gentle housewife fell in line with the 1950s iron-fisted husband:
Women are now getting on their hands and knees to show solidarity with a man who has lived as a woman for less than a year.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 14, 2023
Truly the sneakiest trick the patriarchy ever pulled.
"A woman on her knees, pleading with a man as he sits on his throne of superiority; the spectacle all seemed rather misogynistic if you ask me. (One could reasonably expect a kissing of the signet ring would be next.)
"Predictably, this event set conservative outlets abuzz because of its sheer ridiculousness — Barrymore advertises herself as a feminist and advocate for women. However, the text from the tweet above got me thinking: is this switcheroo really the “sneakiest trick the patriarchy ever pulled”? I’d argue it’s not.
"Why I find this particular instance of prostration so gross is because it isn’t the first time females have been majorly played by domineering, and legitimately toxic males. Ever wonder how the “right” to murder children in the womb wound up as a rallying cry for women all over the place?". . .
Babylon Bee parody: In Honor Of Women's History Month, Woman Kneels Before Man
"This is indeed a great day for women," said Professor David Megli of the Institute for the Advancement of Women and People Who Say They Are Women. "There's nothing that shows how far women have come than seeing a female down on her knees in front of a man on national television!"