Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Incredible Body-Cam Footage of Nashville Shooting Destroys the Uvalde PD and Its Left-Wing Apologists –

Any group of well-trained officers is going to have a very good shot at taking down an active school shooter if they do one important thing: Try. 

Hero Nashville cop who took down transgender school shooter is
 Marine Corps vet | Daily Mail Online

I thought Democrats had defunded these police. TD

 RedState "Within minutes, they had located the shooter, with one officer taking down the self-identified “transgender man” with a precision that only comes from actual training and the courage to use it. Another officer finished the ordeal after the shooter again tried to go for her gun.

"The footage is incredible but also somewhat graphic so discretion is advised.

"But while the sequence is harrowing, what stuck out the most about the video was the contrast it drew with what happened in the now-infamous school shooting in Uvalde. For months, the left-wing media have been running an apology campaign for the Texas town’s police department, claiming that the presence of a semi-automatic rifle made it essentially impossible for the hundreds of present officers to take down the shooter. As the story goes, the gun was so incredibly overpowering that the police shouldn’t have even been expected to try.

"To illustrate that, a reporter for the Texas Tribune recently published a lengthy excusing of the Uvalde PD, claiming that the AR-15 the shooter had was simply far too dangerous for officers to confront.". . .

"Do you know what I noticed about the body-cam footage from the Nashville shooting? I noticed that none of them had ballistic shields, something that Uvalde PD officers claimed they needed. In fact, only one of them had a helmet. Some only had pistols. Yet, they rushed in to do their duty.". . .

Prog icon Cenk Uyger tells trans people to ‘get guns’ because ‘right wing lunatics are going to attack them’ - American Thinker

Biden Has 'Hot Mic' Reveal Instructions, Gets Loose From Handlers, Makes Bizarre Gun Comments

Biden also tried to talk about the law, and argue that the Second Amendment wasn’t absolute. Yet, everything he said in this clip is wrong. So not only doesn’t he know anything about guns, but he doesn’t know anything about the law either.

 RedState   There was more sign on Tuesday that Joe Biden is deteriorating rapidly and needs guidance for every little movement.

I’ve written before about how he can’t even deliver the simplest remarks without notes. So when he was meeting in Canada with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Trudeau was greeting him and making perfunctory remarks, Joe was desperately searching for his notes to know what to say because there was no teleprompter. But he also needs guidance for every little step. I’ve written before about how they appeared to be having him stand on marks to know where to stand (and not just wander off).

But on Tuesday, they got caught on a hot mic as Biden was visiting a semiconductor plant in Durham, North Carolina. You could hear a guide telling Biden how to move every step, including going “down the ramp” in front of him. The handler tells Biden who is there, “union leaders and workers,” and that his mark is going to be a blue mark to stand on."

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Federal Judge Kyle Duncan Says His Piece

 - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics 

Let’s say the quiet part out loud: The mob came to target me because they hate my work and my ideas …. None of this spectacle, this obviously staged public shaming, had the slightest thing to do with free speech. It had everything to do with intimidation. And, to be clear, not intimidation of me …. The targets of the intimidation were the protesters’ fellow students.  

"The culture war is usually a cold one. Conservatives and liberals have been facing off on social issues for generations, fighting proxy wars in the courts or newspapers. And as secular progressivism becomes increasingly dogmatic — you’re a bigot, a racist, and a threat to democracy if you so much as question the premises of their ideology — it seems that our culture war is careening toward a mutually assured destruction, sans the atomic bomb. 

"But the Left has found a weapon that the Right fears to wield: the suppression of speech. It might not be a nuclear warhead, but whether used by the Global Disinformation Index or local troublemakers wearing black masks, suppression of speech helps the Left and hurts the Right. 

"This suppression is especially dangerous in the age of the internet, when everything can be controlled by a search algorithm or blacklisted behind the scenes. But, luckily for us, neophyte progressives can be clumsy in their fledgling attempts to prove themselves to be true believers. 

" 'Take, for example, the recent events at Stanford Law School. Student protesters and a DEI dean prevented Judge Kyle Duncan of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals from delivering his invited lecture for the law school’s chapter of the Federalist Society. The events at Stanford Law School sparked a national conversation on free speech, stirring up commentary and launching op-eds — including one by the judge himself.

"This intimidation is a rather classic tactic for campus culture wars. By isolating an ideological opponent, the Stanford protestors sought to humiliate Duncan for “refus[ing] to enlist the federal judiciary in the project of controlling what pronouns people use.” But they moreover wanted to show their fellow classmates just how unwelcome their conservative beliefs are. If your fellow classmates are willing to shout down a federal judge, just imagine what they’ll do to you.

"But, as Duncan discussed in his lecture, such behavior is unbefitting of a lawyer or a lawyer-to-be. Our legal system operates almost entirely on the basis of sustained, reasoned argument, and, as Duncan said, “To be a lawyer, by definition, means that you have to occupy the same room with people that you seriously disagree with.” America might be a litigious society, but we seem to have forgotten that key element of the legal system.". . . 

PICTURED: Hero schoolgirl, 9, who died trying to pull fire alarm to stop trans shooter Audrey Hale

 PICTURED: Hero schoolgirl, 9, who died trying to pull fire alarm to stop trans shooter Audrey Hale | Daily Mail Online

"A schoolgirl who was shot and killed while trying to pull the fire alarm to stop a transgender shooter from opening fire on her classmates has been pictured for the first time.

"Evelyn Dieckhaus, 9, was one of the victims shot by Audrey Hale, 28, after she opened fire at the private Christian school on Monday.

"Her family has described her as a 'shining light' and said that they are 'completely broken' by her death.". . .

After shooting her dead, the officers approached Hale. Her weapons are
 clearly shown, along with what appears to be an armored vest 

There is other stuff going on, you know?

 Lia Thomas: ESPN Recognizes Lia Thomas in Women's History Month Special | National Review   "ESPN recognized Lia Thomas in a TV special dedicated to Women’s History Month, sparking outrage from female competitors who swam against the transgender-identifying man from the University of Pennsylvania.". . .  "Rather than applaud female swimmers who have trained for years to earn medals, ESPN cast those who objected to Thomas’s participation in the women’s category as being not inclusive or accepting."

NYC teacher's union to hold seminar on the 'harmful effects of whiteness' | The Post Millennial |   "The union that represents New York City's public school teachers is holding a workshop on how to reduce the "harmful effects of whiteness in our lives" for educators who wish to advance their credentials, a shocking New York Post report revealed Saturday.

"According to the outlet, the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) has scheduled the online seminar, titled "Holding the Weight on Whiteness," for Monday, March 27, for 4-6 pm. The event's landing page says the course "is about cultural humility and inclusion," and "will allow us to discuss how whiteness relates to privilege and identity, and how both become normalized and invisible.". . .
"Participants will leave the workshop with a better understanding of how to center ourselves as a form of resistance against the harmful effects of whiteness in our lives, the organizations we work for or direct and the communities in which we serve," the union added, before advertising that "UFT members who are licensed mental health professionals" may earn two credentialed hours for completing it the seminar, which could lead to higher-paying positions. 

John Lennon — No Model to Emulate - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics   "And his most beloved song condemns mankind to an unrelentingly cruel, moronic fate." . . ."At the end of the dreary dystopian nightmare of “Imagine,” John and Yoko utter, “You may say I’m a dreamer.” That would be a rather charitable statement, given the song’s stupidity. Decent people should want no part of their evil dreams."

So, That's Why John Fetterman's Hospital Stay Got Extended Another Two Weeks (  . . ."And yet, he co-signed some legislation to make railway transportation safer amid the East Palestine, Ohio crash. All this was done while he was hospitalized, so what’s happening with this crew up on the Hill? Someone whom the people of Pennsylvania did not elect has seized the duties and responsibilities of John Fetterman, or they’re abusing him while in hospital, forcing him to sign off on pieces of paper he cannot comprehend." 

Kerry then claimed that it’s fine for global elites to fly private jets because “they’re working harder than most.”  Oh...OK.

. . ."Consider just a few of the many instances in which our “leaders” and institutional luminaries not only reject King’s teaching but actively try to return this country to an era of segregation and ugly, unapologetic bigotry. 
“There is nothing that President Joe Biden has done while in office that has as much long-term potential for 
doing damage to American society and government as his embrace of the woke DEI – diversity, equity and inclusion – catechism,” writes Jonathan S. Tobin, editor in chief of the Jewish News Syndicate."

REPORT: Nashville Trans Shooter Planned to Shoot Relatives who Couldn't Accept Trans Status (    " ‘She was Audrey at home but when she left the house she changed clothes. They did know about it, they just didn’t accept it.’ "
‘We strongly believe there were going to be some other targets, including family members, and one of the malls here in Nashville and it just did not happen,’ Chief John Drake told CBS this morning". . .
They always have a manifesto, don't you think?
. . ."“We have a manifesto. We have some writing we’re going over that pertain to this date, the actual incident. We have a map drawn out of how this all was going to take place. There’s right now a theory that we may be able to talk about later, but it’s not confirmed.”

Joe Biden Becomes an Interior Designer -

 The American Spectator

I don’t know about you, but I liked it better when appliances were dumb and politicians were smart.

"Two things traditionally drive Democratic presidents crazy: interventionism and female interns. Like the entire postmodern left, Biden deeply hates freedom, almost as much as he gets off on sticking his nose into other people’s pockets, lives, and homes. For him it is no longer a habit, but an addiction. He started with the gas stove, and now he has decided to stick his nose into the running of the whole house. Yesterday he was president, today he is more of an interior designer.

"The president also wants to change regulations for light bulbs, gas furnaces, room air conditioners, portable air cleaners, and clothes dryers. All this is part of his more than 110 energy efficiency actions and he assures that this will save citizens a lot of money over the next thirty to forty years. Which means, translated into street talk, that you will be paying for his joke for thirty to forty years and that when you are old, burning up or freezing at home, broke and deeply pissed off, and you go to Biden to ask for an explanation, he is unlikely to receive you, unless the president implements a personal efficiency plan that will allow him to reach 120 years of age.

"It is amazing that the Democrats are unable to understand that the only advantage the United States still had over Europe was a reverential respect for freedom, both economic and personal. With the government bailing out banks, raising taxes, and Democrat states banning gasoline-powered vehicles, all we need now is for Biden to choose for you what appliances you can buy.". . .

What the media doesn't say about a mass murderer

Don Surber

That a tranny attacked a Christian grade school is not lost on normal people, but the people who write the news are not normal.

"The media is really big on promoting the First Openly Transgender (fill in the blank). Richard “Rachel” Levine becoming an admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps was big news. That he’s a doctor who doesn’t know biology flummoxes me, but I roll against the tide, don’t I?

"But the media is trying hard not to acknowledge Monday’s historic First Openly Transgender (female to male) mass school shooter. You’ve heard of the glass ceiling; she shattered the glass basement.

"Heavy reported that Audrey Elizabeth Hale, 28, a woman who pretended she was a man named Aiden, shot and killed three 9-year-olds and three staff members at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee. Police shot and killed her. It was a suicide by cop.

"Hale was a pretty girl until she messed with this tranny stuff. But she did and now seven people are dead, including her.". . .

Instead of calling tranny males he, we must call them she or they or ze. We must accept without question that a man is entitled to play women’s sports.

. . ."Meanwhile, Biden continues to push for banning guns. He took the massacre so [seriously] that he began his remarks, “I came down because I heard there was chocolate chip ice cream.”  Most media outlets left that part out. Not Politico."

 Media Apologize for Rightly Identifying Transgender Shooter as A Woman (  "Following the revelation that Audrey was a woman who identified as a man, both USA Today and The New York Times were quick to issue statements on Twitter, seemingly apologizing for adhering to biological reality by correctly calling Hale a woman. The publications also appeared to scrub references to Hale as a female from online news articles."

Another Train Carrying Hazardous Materials Derails

 Yet liberals (Democrats) have decreed there will be NO pipelines. Word for today:  Eco-Harpies?

PJ Media  

"Move over “died suddenly,” because “train carrying hazardous materials derails” is quickly becoming the most common story to pop up in our news feeds.

"As per local reports, a train belonging to Canadian Pacific, consisting of 70 cars transporting hazardous materials, derailed late Sunday night in North Dakota, approximately one mile southeast of Wyndmere in Richland County at around 11:15 p.m.  According to the report, 31 of the 70 cars derailed, and some were found to be leaking petroleum used in the production of asphalt. No injuries have been reported.

"Officials said crews will wait for the cold weather to solidify the leaked material, which is expected to transform into a gel.

As worries about railroad safety persist in the United States, the recent incident in North Dakota is the latest in a string of train derailments.

"In February, a significant event occurred in East Palestine, Ohio, where around 50 cars derailed, resulting in the spillage of hazardous materials and the evacuation of residents. The Biden administration was widely criticized for its feeble response to the disaster. Similarly, a few weeks later, a train carrying hazardous materials derailed in Gothenburg, Neb.

"There are suggestions that these recent train derailments are happening more frequently than usual, but it’s possible that the heightened attention is due to the East Palestine disaster. Similarly, concerns were raised last year about the frequency of fires occurring at food processing plants, which added to the supply chain crisis that was already problematic.". . .

Related: Three Train Derailments and a Developing Bio-Disaster — Where Are the Eco-Harpies?

Alvin Bragg Is Trump’s Legal Sideshow, The Main Ring Is The Mar-a-Lago Classified Documents Case

 The entire left has brought America a clown show, yet there is no shortage of disciples in the media, academia, and government. TD

Legal Insurrection

"IF there is proof Trump instructed his lawyers to lie to the feds, something that remains to be seen but appears to be the claim, then the theory of criminal liability is simple, not likely to allow Trump to portray himself as a victim, and the Special Counsel cannot be played unlike the hapless Alvin Bragg.

"Exhausted yet? It is just six days since Donald Trump claimed he would be arrested on Tuesday, March 21. It feels like it’s been six years.

"There never was a substantive basis to “Tuesday,” even Trump attributed it to “leaks” and his attorneys quickly walked it back. “Tuesday” never was a thing, though there were many reports that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg was moving towards an indictment.

"Yet by pre-announcing that “Tuesday” was the day, Trump achieved what he wanted, media and legal chaos that put Bragg on his heels and — reportedly — has the grand jury put on ice for a few days. I explained Trump’s tactic in my interview on the Tony Katz show, which was quoted by the Washington Examiner:. . ."

One consistent theme with the left and their media allies is after a horrific incident involving children, they begin the blame game before the bodies are even cold.

Or pause for a bit of ice cream humor.

                                                                                            Island Grill Fren

 ABC's Terry Moran Appears to Blame Today's Nashville School Mass Shooting by "Transgender" on Republican Lawmakers Who Oppose Transgender Surgery for Minors | The Gateway Pundit  "One consistent theme with the left and their media allies is after a horrific incident involving children, they begin the blame game before the bodies are even cold.

"As previously reported, a horrific mass shooting occurred at Nashville’s Covenant School Monday morning where at least six people perished, including three children.

"The shooter, who was later identified as Audrey Hale, who claimed to be transgender, is also dead.". . .

Biden Blasted for Starting WH Event By Talking About Ice Cream Hours After Nashville School Shooting (


Taliban Making Hay With the Staggering Amount of Military Gear Left in Afghanistan –

 RedState   "When Joe Biden ordered the chaotic, deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, he didn’t just leave behind our dignity, he also left behind billions in weapons and armaments. Although we’ve known that most of that equipment ended up in Taliban hands, new photos and videos are emerging showing just how much we essentially donated to the violent group.

"According to the Khaama Press News Agency, an Afghani news outlet, the militant group has been successful in fixing hundreds of tactical vehicles:

Taliban’s Defense Ministry has confirmed that the group has repaired around 300 military vehicles left by the United States in Afghanistan.

Most of these military vehicles had been intentionally partially damaged by the American forces when they withdrew from Afghanistan in August 2021, Bakhtar News Agency reported.

The Taliban’s Ministry of Defense said that their technical team and engineers have also managed to repair hundreds of vehicles including 150 International Kamazes, 125 Humvees, 2 assault tanks, 4 trucks, 10 Porcliff vehicles, and 15 Humvee ambulances.

According to reports, including RedState‘s, at least $7 billion in materiel was left in the country. (Although many earlier claims indicated the figure was as high as $89 billion, most news outlets are now reporting the $7 billion figure. The $89 billion often cited is actually “the total amount spent on the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund since the war began in 2001.”). . .

Disturbing new photos of U.S. Military equipment in Afghanistan… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS 

First we had Antifa, then BLM, and now Trans Vengeance.

The reporting on the Nashville shooting reveals the incoherence of modern gender theory - American Thinker   *Unconfirmed* reports identify the Nashville shooter as “Audrey Hale”, a biological female that identifies as “He/Him” on their LinkedIn

"When newspapers publish stories using the phrase “her testicles,” it’s easy to add laughter to the tears that always accompany reports demonstrating the complete breakdown of reality in modern America. There is no laughter, though, when trying to decipher the biological sex of the school shooter who killed three children and three adults in Nashville, before the police appropriately terminated the killer’s existence.

"Initial stories identified the shooter as a female teenager. Then the reports changed to say that the shooter (whom I will not name) was a 28-year-old female. That was odd because, historically, women are not mass shooters, although there are always exceptions.". . .

Transgenderism remains a mental illness - American Thinker  . . ."A troubled young woman has been blamed for the killing of three adults and three children, and she identified herself as a transgender person, according to online profiles she left behind."  National Public Radio had just recently done a piece on how MUSS and other “LGBTQ” people are buying guns because, the story goes, they believe they’re imperiled by conservatives.

Nashville shooter Audrey Hale's mom: 'I think I just lost my daugher' | Daily Mail Online