With news about Judge Chutkan’s anti-Trump animus, a 2021 article is going viral - American Thinker
. . ."With more information emerging daily about Judge Tanya Chutkan’s open hostility to Donald Trump as she presides over the legally suspect case that Jack Smith filed against him, a 2021 article describing Chutkan’s conduct and statements about the January 6 defendants has suddenly gone viral. The woman is unprincipled and partisan to the point of delusion. She has no business presiding over Donald Trump’s case or even sitting on the federal bench.
"Yesterday, news emerged about Chutkan’s openly stated belief that Donald Trump ought to be behind bars, something that, with nothing more, means she should be taken off of Trump’s case because she is incapable of the kind of integrity and impartiality required of federal judges. She’s a hanging judge and not bothering to hide it.
"The inestimable Techno Fog has also revealed how Chutkan has treated Trump differently—and way more harshly—than other defendants in her courtroom. Her blatantly unfair conduct arose in the context of the prosecution’s request for a protective order that would effectively silence Trump during the primary season. The prosecution filed the motion on August 4, a Friday, at almost 10 p.m. Techno Fog picks up the story:. . .
". . .Because I’m not a lawyer in Chutkan’s jurisdiction or, thank God!, in her courtroom, I can say this straight out: The woman is ideologically corrupt to the point of delusion. In case you’ve forgotten, this was what the BLM riots looked like:" . . .
CNN reporter reports in front of a burning building in Kenosha with a chyron that reads “Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests After Police Shooting”
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) August 27, 2020
No, really
AF Branco - Tue, Aug 15, 2023
Trump Decries ‘Very Biased and Unfair’ Obama-Appointed Judge Who Could Send Him to Jail › American Greatness (amgreatness.com) . . .The Obama-appointed judge has earned a reputation for doling out the harshest sentences against January 6 rioters and protesters.
"In October of 2021, Chutkan defended Black Lives Matter rioters who rampaged through numerous cities in the summer of 2020, calling them “mostly peaceful” while condemning the Jan. 6 protesters as a “violent mob” who posed a “very real danger” to “the foundation of our democracy.”
“ 'People gathered all over the country last year to protest the violent murder by the police of an unarmed man — some of those protests became violent. But to compare the actions of people protesting mostly peacefully for civil rights to those of a violent mob seeking to overthrow the lawfully elected government is a false equivalency and ignores the very real danger that the Jan. 6 riot posed to the foundation of our democracy,” Chutkan said in the sentencing of Jan. 6 protester Matthew Mazzocco." . . .