Hamas’ terrorists recorded their barbaric atrocities on body cameras and cell phones to proudly display their crimes and gloat about them. Many of these cameras were recovered from neutralized terrorists. Now the whole world can see Hamas’ unfathomable savagery.
Actual questions of justice and the rules of warfare are out the window here. This is just naked and shameless pandering for votes. That it might result in a world-historical victory for the forces of the global jihad matters to the Biden regime not one bit.Media
Is that Rashida Tlaib's foot on the Israeli soldier?
"The Biden regime has been under heavy pressure from its far-left base for months. Foes of Israel have repeatedly demanded that Biden’s handlers punish the Jewish state for defending itself, or else they’ll lose their votes in November. Clearly, the Biden camp has been listening, and now the matter has come to a head: the Biden regime has actually threatened our foremost ally in the Middle East with a cutoff of military aid.
"This has been coming for a long time. Nihad Awad, executive director of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), who infamously said that he was “happy” about Hamas’ Oct. 7 jihad massacre of 1,200 Israelis, thundered at a November pro-Hamas rally: “No cease-fire, no votes. No votes in Michigan, no votes in Arizona, no votes in Georgia, no votes in Nevada, no votes in Wisconsin, no votes in Pennsylvania."
Queen Rashida |
"These were, of course, the states that allowed Old Joe to pretend to be president over the last three years. Awad concluded: "No votes for you anywhere if you don’t call for a ceasefire now." Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Ramallah) added: "The American people won’t forget. Biden, support a ceasefire now. Or don’t count on us in 2024.”
"In mid-January, the “March on Washington for Gaza” boiled over into violence at the White House, as thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators stormed the security fence and forced the evacuation of “non-essential employees” from the building. Then last week, Fox News reported that Biden was “facing an electoral revolt among Arab and Muslim voters in Michigan who are outraged by his ongoing support for Israel, with some even accusing him of enabling genocide.” They even launched an "abandon Biden" campaign in Dearborn." . . .
Biden Sends Delegation to Meet With Hamas Supporter | Frontpage Mag ... "In 2022, Osama Siblani, the publisher of Arab American News, declared at a rally, “We are the Arabs that are going to lift Palestinians all the way to victory. Whether we are in Michigan, and whether we are in Jenin. Believe me. Everyone should fight within his means. They will fight with stones. Others will fight with guns. Others will fight with planes, drones. And others will fight with rockets. And others will fight in their voice, and the others will fight with their hands and say free, free Palestine!”
“Mr. Bush believes Hezbollah, Hamas and other Palestinian factions are terrorists, but we believe they are freedom fighters,” Osama Siblani had told the Washington Post."
So Schindler's List" was about German freedom fighters all along?