Saturday, March 9, 2024

Reject the despicable Rashida Tlaib, remember Israel and their tortured women

 Remembering the women Hamas brutally slaughtered, captured - Ethel C. Fenig  

"There are still Israeli women — and men — in dire captivity in Muslim Gaza who are being ignored even after International Women’s Day, while many still shed their crocodile tears over the plight of the starving Gazans.  On this, the day after International Women’s Day, the hypocrisy of the women — and men — who “celebrate” this day grows.  Decent women — and men — will truly celebrate the spirit of “International Women’s Day” by demanding the return of all Israeli hostages — now!" ECF 

 "Hey there, people born with women’s parts: yesterday was International Women’s Day.

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all #InspireInclusion.

Celebrate women’s achievement. Raise awareness about discrimination. Take action to drive gender parity.

IWD belongs to everyone, everywhere. Inclusion means all IWD action is valid.

"I’m still imagining.  Probably you are, too.  Meanwhile, the “Palestinian” 99.99% Muslims in Hamas-governed Gaza definitely didn’t honor the day, especially the international part, as this New York Times investigative report from last month sickeningly demonstrates.

"(Warning: Normal individuals will have nightmares after reading this, so below is a minute excerpt.)

‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7

A Times investigation uncovered new details showing a pattern of rape, mutilation and extreme brutality

"The Times interviewed several soldiers and volunteer medics who together described finding more than 30 bodies of women and girls in and around the rave site and in two kibbutzim in a similar state as Ms. Abdush’s — legs spread, clothes torn off, signs of abuse in their genital areas.

"Indeed, “Palestinian” Hamas attacks beginning on October 7, 2023 and continuing to this day, especially against women, were so brutal, so savage, that some shocked reporters were willing to delicately authenticate them, forcing the U.N. to finally respond.  Sort of. " . . .

On International Women’s Day, it's time to believe Israeli women– The Forward

Protesters wearing fake blood makeup and holding placards take part in a demonstration outside BBC
 headquarters in London on Feb. 4.

"On Oct. 7, Hamas raped, tortured, assaulted, murdered and kidnapped women.

"Why has it been so hard for the world to wake up to that fact?

"Just look at the United Nations, which took five months to assemble and release “clear and convincing” evidence that Hamas committed sexual violence on Oct. 7 — the most tragic day in modern Israeli history. Forwarding thThis, despite Israeli authorities and multiple news outlets revealing mere days after the attack that sexual violence had taken place. The truth was evident five months ago, and yet, the U.N. stayed silent. 

"It’s no surprise, considering the U.N.’s history of discriminating against Israel. Not to mention its dreadful recent record on women: It added Iran, governed by a regime that’s notoriously brutal toward women, to serve on the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women as recently as 2022. Iran was removed from the commission after the murder that same year of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who died after being arrested for allegedly violating Iran’s laws making headscarves mandatory. But the fact that such an oppressive, anti-woman, extremist government was allowed to join this commission in the first place speaks volumes about the U.N.’s morals.

"It’s been overwhelming to see, especially when it comes to sexual violence, how determined so many people and institutions are to frame Israel as an oppressor, even when it is a victim. Even major women’s groups, including some associated with the U.N., have accepted this false framework, either because they harbor a deep hatred of Jews, or because they are so ignorant of the real situation on the ground that they are easily convinced by the deception." . . .

Grumpy Old Man Mumbles State of the Union (Entire text)


Image courtesy of Ken Swope.

The American Spectator | USA News and Politics    "Joe Biden, like Adolf Hitler and Axl Rose, arrived late. He entered the House of Representatives at 9:16 p.m. and began delivering his State of the Union nine minutes later. Unlike Christmas, it was not worth the wait.

"He addressed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine first and at great length. The invasion of America’s Southern border came later, precisely at 10:06 p.m. Citizens in McCallen, Texas, watching their city overrun, or in Roxbury, Massachusetts, seeing a local recreation center repurposed as a shelter for immigrants, did not enrich his family’s coffers as did the Ukrainian interests paying his son, after all.

" 'Freedom and democracy are under attack at home and overseas,” he said in juxtaposing the dual threats of Vladimir Putin with Donald Trump, who the president found, unlike Putin, so loathsome that he refused to say his name. President Biden called him “my predecessor” and “a former American president” and used pronouns. Republicans demanded he say murder victim Laken Riley’s name. He eventually did invoke “Lincoln Riley” — the head football coach at the University of Southern California — at heckler Marjorie Taylor Green’s instigation. But he never did say “Laken Riley” or “Donald Trump.”

"For different reasons he did the same with abortion. He referenced a woman in the audience who “had a fetus of a fatal condition,” whatever that meant, and needed to leave Texas “to get what she needed.” What she needed he did not say. He went on to euphemistically talk of abortion as the “treatment they need,” “reproductive freedom,” and the “right to choose.” Like the words “Donald Trump,” he could not say its name or accurately describe it. He instead characterized easier access to killing unborn children as a way to “stand up for families.”

"The president lashed out at “Big Landlords,” “Big Pharma,” and “Big Oil.” Left out of his tirade? Big Government. “I want to give public school teachers a raise,” “a future of paid leave,” “homecare and elder care,” “affordable high-speed internet for every American no matter where you live,” and “raise the federal minimum wage.” He spoke of “fiscally responsible ways” to pay for his wish list, including “making big corporations and the very wealthy finally begin to pay their fair share.” He would, presumably, determine what share amounted to fair.

“ 'My message to transgender America: I have your back,” he remarked in homage to diversity inspiring diverse interpretations. He name-dropped Native Americans. He highlighted African-American civil rights activists. It all sounded obligatory.

"The biggest lie of the night came from a woman who said nothing. Kamala Harris, whose office pursued almost 2,000 marijuana convictions when she served as district attorney in San Francisco, stood up and cheered Biden when he boasted of “expunging thousands of convictions for mere possession” of marijuana. One would need to expunge “thousands” just to undo what Harris did. A close second occurred when President Biden added the postscript, after pledging to ban assault weapons and impose other firearms restrictions, that “none of this violates the Second Amendment.' ”

"Biden displayed unusual energy and vigor early. As the speech progressed, he spoke with marbles in his mouth and read the teleprompter with an odd cadence. He appeared angry and shouted as much as talked. He attempted to bait the right-leaning contingent to his left, demagogued on wealthy Americans, and attacked the captive audience of the Supreme Court. The speech probably played well to his base, but presidents feeling it necessary to play to their base in an election year generally do not perform well in November.

" 'Let me close with this,” elicited the greatest applause from Republicans. One suspects the viewers at home cheered along with them. The speech ended, mercifully, one hour and 17 minutes after he entered the room."

Rapidly Declining Mainline Church Seeks to Require Ministers to Support Transgenderism, Gay Marriage -

 The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

"Should mainline Protestant denominations continue down the path of making support for progressive ideologies fundamental tenets of revealed faith, many other Christians may come to believe a religion separate from Christianity has developed."

According to the Christian Post , March 9, 2015, “The largest Presbyterian denomination in the United States
 is only seven votes away from having enough regional bodies favor changing its official definition of marriage to include homosexual unions.”

"The Presbyterian Church (USA) has permitted, but not required, its ministers to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies since 2014. But that allowance is no longer sufficient for the progressive denomination; it now aims to mandate that future ministers affirm transgenderism and same-sex marriage as prerequisites for ordination. At its General Assembly this June, the denomination will take up legislation that would implement that requirement.

"The Presbyterian Church (USA)’s proposed requirement stands out for its inclusion of affirmation for transgenderism alongside same-sex marriage. Specifically, it does so by adding “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” to its list of groups protected from discrimination, included in “worship, governance, and emerging life.” The proposal would also change the denomination’s “[s]tandards for ordained service” to make it obligatory for ministry candidates to pledge adherence to this principle of “non-discrimination.”

"It is becoming a trend among liberal Protestant denominations to move from a model of respecting people’s consciences on LGBTQ issues to mandating affirmation. Another example is the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which is planning to consider a resolution to oust its current social statement at its 2025 Churchwide Assembly. This statement currently acknowledges and respects the consciences of members who hold opposing views on same-sex marriage. When Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton announced the passage of a motion to vote on the issue in 2025, church members broke out in applause.

"In explaining the proposed changes, the Presbyterian Church (USA) asserted that it “feel[s]” it is being called to be “ever more faithful to the most inclusive and affirming statements of Scripture and promptings of the Holy Spirit.” The denomination added that the amendment would serve “the children of God” because “[s]tudies show that LGBTQIA+ youth who have religious parents that share negative views on being LGBTQIA+ have higher rates of suicide attempts.” In a concurrence upholding the recommendation of the amendment, a group of presbyteries wrote that the denomination’s “so-called ‘local option’ should not be construed to allow for discriminatory practice.” . . .

And to add to the joy of it all: On Drag Queens and the Methodist Breakup

Fox News Should Fact Check the Story Biden Just Told About Them as His Brain Malfunctions Again

 I question that story, but did you ever imagine finding cocaine in the White House? Did you ever imagine the occupant of the White House demonizing millions of Americans as "extremists" and as a threat to democracy because they support his political opponent? Did you ever imagine the occupant of the White House attacking the Supreme Court at the State of the Union? Did you ever imagine lawfare being used against political opponents? We see all these things now and yes, Joe Biden and the Democrats are demeaning who we are.

RedState    "As we reported, after his angry and bizarre State of the Union, Joe Biden followed that up with a campaign trip to Philadelphia. 

"The SOTU was bad enough for some to speculate about whether he had taken anything. But the come down the next day was pretty bad as well, with Biden's brain malfunctioning all over the place. 

"This is one of those things that he tries to say about gun manufacturers that isn't quite true, but here he messes it up so badly he can't even get the order of what he's talking about right and he's missing words. 

" 'Imagine if tobacco had the same limitations companies that gun manufacturers!" Biden rants. 


"[Is] He trying to say imagine if gun manufacturers had the same limitations as tobacco companies[?]. That's how mixed up his brain is at this point. This is of course a nonsensical comparison anyway. If you stab someone with a knife, they don't sue the knife manufacturer. Plus, gun manufacturers are under constant attack from Democrats. 

"Yet these people still clap, despite Biden not making any sense at all. This is a cult, and there are endless examples of this for all the Democrats who think reading a teleprompter and not falling off the stage at the SOTU means you are competent. 

"Then Biden threw a hissy fit saying that people were holding up signs at him saying "FU" and that a little kid would be giving him the finger. " . . .

 Biden mocked over bizarre video of him 'demonically whispering'

Friday, March 8, 2024

The SOTU from hell

  Power Line (

Biden Lied 30 Times During The State Of The Union

 The Federalist (

Here’s the definitive list of Biden’s biggest State of the Union falsehoods.

"President Biden has been known to tell some pretty outrageous lies throughout his political career. So, it came as no surprise when Ol’ Sleepy Joe spewed out more than a few whoppers during his State of the Union address on Thursday.

"From foreign policy to the economy, there was almost no subject in which the president didn’t lie to the American people. In case you missed his dumpster fire speech, here’s the definitive list of Biden’s biggest SOTU falsehoods.

"1. Sending Money To Ukraine

"Biden claimed that Republicans who oppose sending additional U.S. taxpayer dollars to Ukraine are doing so because they want America to “walk away from our leadership in the world.” That is false. Opponents of endlessly funding Ukraine’s war with Russia have regularly stated that American interests must come before those of other nations.

2. Trump’s NATO Remarks

"Biden claimed former President Trump told Vladimir Putin, “Do whatever the hell you want,” regarding Russia’s invasion of Eastern Europe. But that’s not accurate.

"The former president’s remarks came during a recent South Carolina rally, during which Trump recounted a story from when he was president and speaking with a NATO member. Trump purportedly told this state that he would withhold U.S. support if they didn’t pay their minimum defense spending obligations.

" '‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’” Trump recalled telling the unidentified NATO member. “‘No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.’”

3. World Security And Ukraine

"Biden claimed “the free world is at risk” if the U.S. doesn’t ship more American taxpayer dollars to Ukraine. There is literally no evidence to support this assertion.

4. Jan. 6 Demonstrations . . . Full article

MSNBC Launches Another ‘Assassinate Trump’ Dog Whistle

 Nolte:(   "MSNBC launched another WON’T SOMEONE PLEASE ASSASSINATE TRUMP? dog whistle this week by directly comparing the former president to Adolf Hitler.

On Wednesday, while discussing the results of Super Tuesday, fabulist, plagiarist, and Morning Joe regular Mike Barnicle talked about how he’s “rereading” some books about World War II and discussed the famous D-Day climb made by the Second Airborne Battalion up a cliff called Pointe du Hoc.

Then he said this:

A straight-up cliff, 125 feet to a German pillbox. And he went right at the Germans, right at the Germans. Fifty percent casualty rate. Why did they do it? They did it because we were Americans, and we were there to save Europe from Hitler.

And now all of these years later, we have to get together as a country and save the country from the threat that Donald Trump proposes.

Just a few months ago, Joe Scarborough fired off his own “Assassinate Trump” dog whistle by spreading an absurd conspiracy theory that Trump “will imprison, he will execute whoever he’s allowed to imprison, execute, uh uh uh drive from the country. Just look at his past. It’s not really hard to read.”

I know what the skeptics are saying now… Oh, come on. That’s a bit much claiming they want Trump assassinated.


You honestly don’t believe that the same political party currently queering and mutilating your kids to their trans gods is capable of this? How about the party that opens our border to deadly narcotics and violent criminals? Or the party that empties prisons into poor neighborhoods and encourages Antifa and Black Lives Matter to riot for months? Think about the party that cozies up to the antisemites among their base…

Houston Mayor Refuses to Call for a Ceasefire as Local Muslims Demand of Him


Victor Davis Hanson on Biden: ‘I have never seen in general an angrier speech’

 Victor Davis Hanson on Biden: ‘I have never seen in general an angrier speech’ - Whatfinger News' Choice Clips

"Victor Davis responds to @TuckerCarlson asking about Biden butchering Laken Riley’s name in defining moment of SOTU address: “I have never seen in general an angrier speech. I think the Left’s happy that he didn’t stumble, but he’s only coherent when he’s full of venom.' ”

Watch it here.

Senator Kennedy. I am a conservative construction worker, and I agree with everything you say about the SOTU. We are on a very steep downhill free fall due to these liberal failures, and ideas that are not thought out, and just ruin entire institutions and swaths of our country. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, there is no possibility that you can’t see the extreme crime, and lack of following the existing laws and immigration rules on the books and think everything will be OK. It is not ok now, and it will take many, many years to fix this damage that has taken place over the last three years. Thank You Senator Kennedy for your calm and truthful approach and comments. I would vote for you any day, and wish we had more people with even part of your integrity..You are an asset to our country. Comment to this video.

America Is in Deep Trouble; The president weakens America for a chance at reelection  . . ."There's another reason for concern. Who is running the White House? It is hard to believe it is the sad and defeated man who addressed the nation Thursday evening. As Biden's situation has worsened, he's become more reliant on the progressive Democratic base. His latest policy blunders have weakened the country to further his bitter hopes of a second term.
"On January 26, for example, the Biden administration said it would freeze permits for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export projects. The decision was jaw-dropping. Cheap and bountiful energy is the basis of strong, noninflationary economic growth. America's shale revolution creates jobs, made this country "energy independent," and built the world's biggest LNG export industry.
"American LNG is cleaner than oil and coal. It contributes to global security by offering our allies and partners an energy source derived from a commercial republic under the rule of law. American LNG shielded Europe from Russia's oil and gas weapon. It's a classic tale of American innovation and entrepreneurship making the world a better place. What's not to like?" . .  .

. . ."Thursday's State of the Union address was the most important speech of Biden's more than 50 years in national politics. He had one last opportunity to at least try to somewhat heal — if just a bit — a nation further fractured by his divisive presidency. 

"Yet, there Joe was: "Us against them" vs. "Let's try to come together." The latter was not to happen.

"Instead, a very angry president screamed at House Republicans and about Donald Trump — and even looked the Supreme Court justices in the eye and politically chastised them over Roe v. Wade, as he defiantly pledged to make Roe the law of the land if he wins reelection.

"And from the beginning to the end, nothing but anger, yelling, and bitter divisive rhetoric.

"Again, why? 

"There's a strong possibility that Biden can't help it. Or that he now thinks his anger and yelling demonstrate leadership. They don't. While I'm neither excusing nor justifying Biden's SOTU behavior, I'm suggesting that he convincingly demonstrated on Thursday that he suffers from dementia." . . .

Rob Reiner Out-Dumbs the DUMBEST With His GLOWING, Slobbering Review of Biden YELLING for an Hour – Twitchy

We’re watching our current and future President speak the truth with clarity and strength. So proud of President Biden. Republicans under the thumb of Trump are an embarrassment. When you can’t even applaud America’s success, you have no business serving in Congress.

derogatory term referring to a person who is dead from the neck up. Can be used as a noun or adjective.

Death by Biden: Joe Biden bungles name of Laken Riley in State of the Union, calls her 'Lincoln Riley'; Father yells name of Afghan location where his son was killed.

  Washington Times

Cartoons - American Thinker
President Biden waded directly into the dangerous waters of immigration in his State of the Union address Thursday but he bungled the name of Laken Riley, the women whose death has been blamed on an illegal immigrant let into the U.S. under his catch-and-release policies. Mr. Biden was prodded by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Georgia Republican who had accosted the president on his way into the chamber and kept saying Riley’s name. She did it again, shouting “Say her name!” at Mr. Biden when he began a section of his speech on the border. 

 The left goes bonkers after Biden calls accused killer of nursing student Laken Riley an 'illegal' -Monica Showalter   . . ."Greene, incidentally, scored the best moment of the SOTU when she demanded that Biden say Lakin Riley’s name. Biden processed the request and decided on the fly that he’d better comply. Therefore, he acknowledged that “Lincoln Riley” was killed by an “illegal” (infuriating his base) before saying actual Americans are more dangerous and, by the way, did you know that his son died, too: . . .

Perhaps a parodical break will soothe the anger from der Bidenrant:

Biden's tyrannical government arrested grieving Gold Star parent, Steve Nikoui, whose son, Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui was killed in Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

AF Branco

Fact Check: Biden Falsely Says He Inherited An Economy on Brink of Collapse (

The Morning Briefing: Biden's Handlers Really Overshot His SOTU Uppers Dosage

  PJ Media

We may never learn what crazy-quilt array of drugs Presidentish Joe Biden is on, but after four years of watching him visibly fade after about 60 minutes or so — which seems to be the limit of their effectiveness — you'd have to be a hardcore Democrat or a member of the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) not to know that Biden is jacked up on something for his most important public appearances. 

"Joe Biden’s State of the Union (“SOTU”) was unlike anything I’ve seen before, and I started watching these speeches in the mid-1980s. No president has ever been so maniacally wired, periodically incoherent, or viciously angry. That was style. The substance was worse. Biden opened by calling Trump a Nazi, shifted to Ukraine, promised to stamp out “insurrections,” and attacked Republicans—and then ended by calling for non-partisanship and comity. Throughout it all, he lied and then lied some more. This was a Dark Brandon campaign speech, not an SOTU.

"If you didn’t watch Biden’s SOTU, count yourself lucky. It was a deeply disturbing experience. The best comment about Biden’s demeanor came from Greg Gutfeld, who skipped over the usual take that Biden was completely hopped up on a variety of possibly illegal amphetamines:

. . ."A coked-up demagogue is not what America needs, but it’s all that the Democrat party has to offer."

Smokin’ Joe’s Grate Of The Union: Was That Fire – Or Gaslight? – Issues & Insights    "One thing’s for sure: Smokin’ Joe Biden came out punching Thursday night in his campaign rally – oops, State of the Union address.

"That is, when Biden finally got to the House chamber after dissing assembled members of Congress and a national audience by leaving the White House right when he was to enter the Capitol. Then rudely breached protocol by tromping all over the speaker’s time-honored, bipartisanship-building privilege of introducing the chief executive.

"But those acts of contempt were nothing compared to 68 minutes of diatribe, disputation, deception, and most important, divisiveness then unleashed by America’s counterfeit commander in chief.

"Let’s cut to the chase on the Delawarean octogenarian’s first assignment from yesterday’s preview: deal with the age issue.

"And give credit where credit is due: Biden’s closing remarks masterfully flipped this vulnerability, insisting that the issue “isn’t how old we are, it’s how old our ideas are.” Then contrasting “the oldest of ideas” – the “hate, anger, revenge (and) retribution” attributed to his presidential opponent – with his own “vision for the future of what America can and should be.”


"Yet: the White House clearly believed that an even better way to jettison that baggage was to burst out of his corner before the bell had even sounded – and let loose a shouted, shock-and-awe, bitter and blatantly political fusillade of blows against his opposition.

"But the effect of the sudden assault of verbiage and volume inappropriate to the occasion was instead decidedly disturbing, deeply disconcerting – and downright grating on ears and soul.

"Yes, Biden lit a fire. But only to ignite an hour-plus of “gaslighting” that should have insulted the intelligence of everyone watching in the hallowed halls and nationwide.

"Thereby earning flunking grades on the incumbent’s second and third tests: 1. take responsibility for the real economic woes besetting voters and 2. “soften the rhetoric,” including “suggest(ing) common ground for cooperation.”

"Just how did Biden, per one definition of the theatrically inspired term, engage in “an insidious form of manipulation” in which victims “are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true?”

"Let us count just some of the ways (given limited space):" . . .

11. Devoting just 139 words to Hamas’ subhuman atrocities and cowardice, then 322 to:

  • Israel’s “responsibility” to reduce casualties among civilians used as human shields. 
  • Insistence on a ceasefire and increased humanitarian aid that will refresh and rearm its enemies.
  • And imbecilic assertions that a two-state solution will ensure the Jewish nation’s security when the opposite is the case, and deliver peace with Arab nations when the historic, Trump-midwifed Abraham Accords were accomplished by side-stepping the Palestinians altogether.    Full article here...
The SOTU from hell | Power Line (   "The comedian Richard Lewis, of blessed memory, is credited with the formulation “the x from hell.” Having watched President Biden’s State of the Union Address last night in order to comment on it this morning, I found it to be the SOTU from hell. Thank you, Mr. Lewis.

"The White House has posted the text of the speech “as prepared for delivery.” That isn’t exactly how he gave it. You have to see it to get the full flavor. I have posted the White House video at the bottom.

"Herewith are my impressions of Biden’s delivery and my observations on the speech in the form of bullet points:" . . .