First, we see how Biden and Democrats were created for parody: Biden Grants Day Of Visibility To Segment Of Population With Most Visibility In All Of Human History | Babylon Bee "For far too long, Americans have not seen the bearded men in dresses twerking in their faces," said President Biden. "That ends on Easter."
"President Biden's declared day of visibility will bring awareness to the community plastered all over every media outlet, every government branch, every town parade, every corporate advertisement, and beamed through the internet to every device on planet earth. According to sources, this has created consternation amongst the Biden administration as aides are unsure how the transgender movement could possibly be any more visible.
" 'What do we even do?" asked White House aide Shelly Marks. "There is literally no way to make them even more visible. Trans people nude on the White House lawn? Aw, shoot, we already did that. Think, think!" . . .
Even if Merkley were not to choose one of the holiest days of the Christian calendar to go after Israel, and that's a pretty big "if," the contrast between celebrating Easter in a meaningful way and catering to the far-left, is very telling about the state of the Democratic Party's priorities.
"As Townhall has been covering, President Joe Biden issued a proclamation commemorating March 31 as "Transgender Day of Visibility," which is also when Easter took place this year. He then denied he ever did so, all while the White House and Biden's fellow Democrats lied and gaslit on the issue. Perhaps the worst Easter response came from Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), though, as our sister site of Twitchy highlighted.
Reflecting on the admonition to feed the hungry and assist the stranger, and “blessed are the peacemakers,” let’s push Team Biden to do better. More aid. No bombs.
— Senator Jeff Merkley (@SenJeffMerkley) March 31, 2024. . .
All may not be lost because of this Democrat Party, thanks to John Galt is Back:
When I first read this, I was disheartened to see to see that we have such a vile, lying person in the US Senate. One that ignores the horrors committed against innocent Israeli civilians and people from around the world-including US citizens. Sicked to see the rise of what passes for Nazism in the US government. We have seen it among the most vile members of Congress-those such as AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Schumer, Sanders. Now you. But then, I started reading the responses. It is so incredibly relieving and heartwarming to see the response not of some government idiot-but of the American people. It reinforces my belief, my hope, that the vast majority of Americans are decent, honorable people, that denounce anti-Semitism and stand with Israel and it's fight for survival against 3/4 of a century of genocide. Get it through your head-YOU WORK FOR US. Your vileness is not representative of decent, honorable Americans. You, along with too much of the current administration, are a sh*t-stain on American history. We see you.