Verum Serum "Your stimulus program was a bust, unemployment is at 9.1%, the nation’s debt has been downgraded, and there’s an election coming your way? Sounds pretty hopeless.
"What you need now is someone else to blame. Thank goodness for the Tea Party. This tiny minority of elected representatives makes a perfect class of villains. All you need to do now is shift the blame…"
What’s that rumble? It’s the BlameShifter! (OFA employee shown for scale)
At last there’s a tool that’s able to meet your national level demands for shoving your failure onto others.
You say you’ve got 9.1% unemployment? Push the Bush did it line by the metric ton.
Just saw the nation’s debt downgraded by S&P? With the BlameShifter your surrogates can drive the “Tea Party downgrade” right down their throats.
Best of all, at just $4 million each, your billion dollar campaign can pilot a fleet of these. Soon everyone will know that none of this is your fault!
The BlameShifter – because all that blame isn’t going to shift itself.Debt man talking "President Obama gave a statement this afternoon on the historic downgrade of the United States’ credit rating. As of this writing, the statement is not posted on the White House site. I wonder why. The best account I can find of it at the moment is this live summary by Politco. [UPDATE--Video below.] The following draws directly from the Politico summary." This article cites the following from CATO:
Obama’s Failed Response to the Downgrade and the Outlook for Fixing America’s Spending Crisis "President Obama just spoke about the downgrade and his remarks were very disappointing. He uttered some empty platitudes, offered no plan, (amazingly) called for more government spending, and continued his advocacy of class-warfare taxation.
"So what does this mean? Other than expecting volatility, I have no idea what will happen in financial markets over the next few days. But I can opine about the downgrade, Obama’s unserious response, and what it means in terms of public policy over the next few years and into the future."
"But, barring some remarkable change in attitude, Obama is mostly irrelevant except to the extent that he can make matters worse by luring Republicans into a phony tax-hike deal." Dan Mitchell