Friday, April 1, 2016

American Silliness April 2/ 2016

Can we not call all this the the intellectual and spiritual decline of Western civilization and the rise of 6th-century barbarianism?

The Left Seeks End of Sex-Segregation Everywhere   
"Gender dysphoria*"  Really? Do these terms get made up by some activist speaker so he, or she, or you-name-it can enjoy the ego trip of seeing campus "intellectuals" using their term to fake intelligent thought?

. . . "If objectively male persons who are uncomfortable with their male bodies are permitted in women’s private areas, why shouldn’t all men be permitted in there? What difference does it make to women if the man in the stall next to them likes his anatomy or not?"
. . . 
"While progressives are exalting subjective feelings, they should bear in mind that many men and women content with their respective maleness and femaleness have feelings too -- feelings of modesty -- which do not make them heartless, ignorant bigots no matter how many times those epithets are hurled at them." *Ill at ease; uncomfortable

Related: Bathroom Boycotts Flush Safety of Women and Girls
. . . "Finally, let’s ask the presidential candidates if they support the 10th Amendment right of states to protect the privacy and safety of women and girls from cross-dressing sexual predators in public restrooms."
Watch: Men say we have nothing to fear from them in our locker rooms, bathrooms, and sleeping spaces.

Wanting to move on, but the silliness just keeps coming:
Further, making such conditions “normal” then results in the amputation of health body parts. . .  

Now we move on:

Obama Family 2015 Honolulu Christmas Vacation Cost Taxpayers $3,590,313 In Flight Expenses Alone…

. . . "Which reminds me of what the late, great Dr. Bob once told me, presciently predicting the rise of Hillary Clinton, I guess. 
He said, “Beauty is only skin-deep, but ugly goes down to the bone.”
The Solar Industry Is Dying. Good Riddance.  "If you still own shares in solar energy it’s probably a sign that you’ve been in the sun too long: the sector is tanking – and deservedly so – as reality dawns that this is a Potemkin industry, an Enron of a con-trick, whose survival depends not on the energy it generates but on the subsidies it squeezes from the taxpayer."

Muslims Team Up With Black Lives Matter

Fix This Nation   "Two of the most virulently anti-American groups in the country – the Black Lives Matter movement and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) have joined forces in Sacramento, creating an ugly hybrid that makes one wish the Big One would go ahead and hit the San Andreas Fault.

"The two groups are teaming up to march on the California Capitol, hoping to persuade Governor Jerry Brown to sign a bill requiring police officers to report the “perceived race or ethnicity, gender, and approximate age of the person” they stop in traffic. The bill also expands the ban on racial profiling to include “racial and identity” profiling.

Some of the luminaries of CAIR are: 
Randall Todd Royer – 20 years in prison for helping jihadists get to Pakistan for terrorist training.Bassem Khafagi – Deported due to ties to terrorism financiers, visa fraud, and bank fraud.Imam Siraj Wahaj – Co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
It’s pretty sad that we’re at a point in American history where these two groups are considered champions of civil rights. In fact, it’s more than sad. It’s downright frightening.
To see the sheer hypocrisy of Islamists, consider this "#BlackLivesMatter Toolkit for Muslims

And this video shows what anti-American political pressure looks like. Think of the price that will be paid by those who have the courage to stand up to this:

Sharia Black Lives Matter Revolution EXPOSED!

WH Censors French President Saying ‘ISLAMIST Terrorism’

MRCTV  "The White House website has censored a video of French Pres. Francois Hollande saying that “Islamist terrorism” is at the “roots of terrorism.”
"The White House briefly pulled video of a press event on terrorism with Pres. Obama, and when it reappeared on the website and YouTube, the audio of Hollande’s translator goes silent, beginning with the words “Islamist terrorism,” then begins again at the end of his sentence.
"Even the audio of Hollande saying the words “Islamist terrorism” in French have, apparently, been edited from the video.
"According to the official White House transcript of Hollande’s remarks, Hollande refers to “Islamist terrorism.” The audio of the bold text in brackets is missing from the video – the only point in the video were the audio is absent:
“ 'We are also making sure that between Europe and the United States there can be a very high level coordination.
“But we're also well aware that the roots of terrorism, [Islamist terrorism, is in Syria and in Iraq.  We therefore have to act both in Syria and in Iraq, and this is what we're doing within the framework of the coalition.]  And we note that Daesh is losing ground thanks to the strikes we've been able to launch with the coalition.”
"Watch the video of Hollande's censored comment:"
Notice how the translation goes silent at the part where Hollande utters the words-which-must-not-be-spoken.

Peace out, fools! Obama plays the clown by flashing the peace sign for nuclear security summit 'team photo'... and gets a very unimpressed look from David Cameron and bemused world leaders

UK Daily Mail

President Barack Obama

"Surrounded by world leaders, President Barack Obama gave the peace sign as they gathered for a 'team photo' during a two-day nuclear summit.

"All eyes were on Obama as 54 other presidents and prime ministers joined him in Washington, DC, for crunch talks on Iran and terrorist threats involving nuclear weapons.

"There was one set of eyes, however, that was particularly focused on the President - those of Prime Minister David Cameron.

"Relations between Cameron and Obama have been strained since the President criticized the Prime Minister for getting 'distracted' during the crisis in Libya and turning it into a 's**t show'.

"There was more than metaphorical distance between the pair at today's summit, with Cameron only able to glare at Obama from across the podium as he was elbowed out to the edge of the stage. " . . .

Prime Minister David Cameron

Donald Trump’s clumsy abortion pandering alienates both sides Read more: Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

"I doubt that the pro-life movement will ever forgive Trump for making them look bad, revealing his lack of any serious thought on the issue.  How can they trust such a hollow panderer?  And his inability to parry Matthews may raise doubts in the minds of his supporters about his ability to handle the rigors of a campaign that promises to be vicious, fast-moving, with a very cunning opponent."

American Thinker  "Donald Trump’s Teflon™ coating may have worn off with his comments on punishing women for abortion yesterday, despite his campaign’s walking them back in two separate statements.

"Here is the report MSNBC issued prior to airing the town hall, which immediately created a firestorm among pro-life and abortion rights advocates:"

"Charles Krauthammer, on Special Report, cited Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council:
"Anybody who's been on this issue who knows the pro-life community, who knows what the arguments are and what people really believe, knows that is not true. That is not the position of anybody on the pro-life side. That is the position that the pro-choice people attribute -- this kind of hard-heartedness -- to the pro-life side. And that's apparently what Trump imbibed."
Krauthammer said that Trump's "lack of curiosity" is the problem, noting that the candidate also failed to learn more about the nuclear triad in an interval between debates.

Arrest George Soros

"Use existing criminal and civil laws to shut down his anti-American juggernaut."


"It is time to hold radical ringleader George Soros to account for the growing civil unrest that he has helped to foment in this presidential election cycle and his efforts to shut down Donald Trump rallies using physical force and intimidation.
"Soros, the billionaire speculator, is the preeminent funder of the activist Left in America, which means he is the Number One funder of the domestic terrorism that is part and parcel of the Left. " . . .
"But when Soros funds activist groups involved in illegitimate efforts to deny Americans their right to participate in the political process he crosses a line. 
There is no right to riot or to silence one's political adversaries.
"Although the right to peacefully protest is enshrined in the Construction," law professor John F. Banzhaf III writes, "there is no constitutional or other legal right to commit criminal acts to make a point." 
"And as legal analyst Andrew Napolitano wrote after unruly Bernie Sanders supporters and other left-wing activists forced the cancelation of the Trump rally March 11 at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the law imposes on police "an affirmative obligation to take all reasonable steps to protect the speaker’s right to speak, the audience’s right to hear and the protesters’ right to protest." Put another way, "protest of political speech is itself protected speech, but protest cannot be so forceful or dominant that it vetoes the speaker."
"Fox News legal analyst Peter Johnson Jr. added that "The First Amendment does not confer upon you or me or [Fox host] Steve Doocy the right to go to someone's rally and try to disrupt it, or destroy it, or to pull apart posters, or to start fights, or to attempt to commit an assault on a presidential candidate." 
"An added benefit of civil proceedings is that they would "open the door to discovery, including those aimed at verifying concerns expressed in various media that those with even deeper pockets are involved in the planning, funding, and/or execution of these criminal disruptions."
"In other words, George Soros."

Charles Krauthammer on The four foreign policies

WaPo  Outline below:
. . . "Herewith, four candidates and four schools: pacifist, internationalist, unilateralist and mercantilist." . . .
"(1) Bernie Sanders, pacifist."
. . . "Emblematic was the Nov. 14 Democratic debate , which was supposed to focus on the economy but occurred the day after the Paris massacre. Sanders objected to starting the debate with a question about Paris. He did not prevail, however, and answered the first question with some anti-terror pablum that immediately gave way to an impassioned attack on his usual “handful of billionaires.' ” . . .
"Don’t be surprised if President Sanders hands Guantanamo Bay over to the Castros, although Alaska looks relatively safe for now."
"Closest historical analog: George McGovern."
"(2) Hillary Clinton, internationalist."
"The “Clinton/Obama” foreign policy from Ukraine to Iran to the South China Sea has been a demonstrable failure. But in trying to figure out what President Clinton would do in the future, we need to note that she often gave contrary advice, generally more assertive and aggressive than President Obama’s, that was overruled, most notably keeping troops in Iraq beyond 2011 and early arming of the Syrian rebels." . . .
"Closest historical analog: the Bill Clinton foreign policy of the 1990s."

("3) Ted Cruz, unilateralist. 
"The most aggressive of the three contenders thus far. Wants post-Cold War U.S. leadership restored. Is prepared to take risks and act alone when necessary. Pledges to tear up the Iran deal, cement the U.S.-Israel alliance and carpet bomb the Islamic State
"Overdoes it with “carpet” — it implies Dresden — although it was likely just an attempt at rhetorical emphasis. He’s of the school that will not delay action while waiting on feckless allies or farcical entities like the U.N.
"Closest analog: Ronald Reagan."

"(4) Donald Trump, mercantilist." 
". . . "You could put the Sanders, Clinton and Cruz foreign policies on a recognizable ideological spectrum, left to right. But not Trump’s. It inhabits a different space because it lacks any geopolitical coherence. It’s all about money. He sees no particular purpose for allies or foreign bases. They are simply a financial drain.
". . . "Thus, if Japan and South Korea don’t pony up more money for our troops stationed there, we go home. The possible effects on the balance of power in the Pacific Rim or on Chinese hegemonic designs don’t enter into the equation.
"Same for NATO. If those free-riding European leeches don’t give us more money too, why stick around? Concerns about tempting Russian ambitions and/or aggression are nowhere in sight.
This last commentary finishes with Trump's threat to bomb the ---- out of the Islamic State, but does revert to his business goals:. . . "Yet even here he can’t quite stifle his mercantilist impulses, insisting that after crushing the Islamic State, he’ll keep their oil. Whatever that means."
"Closest historical analog: King Philip II of Spain (1556-1598)."
"On Jan. 20, one of these four contenders will be sworn in as president. And one of these four approaches to the world will become the foreign policy of the United States.
"Don’t say you weren’t warned."
 Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How Obama Terrorizes the Terrorists. A new word for today: "numbskullery"

"The eternal reward for a man's martyrdom is not what is in question here.  What is in question is how Obama, who claimed to be observing Good Friday while a Christian died an excruciating death on a cross, will respond to ISIS's latest atrocity. "
Jeannie DeAngelis   . . . "The terrorists, who Obama has reassured Americans would never infiltrate our shores masked as refugees, cleverly masqueraded as relatives of a resident of the southern Yemeni elderly care home.  Then, after the imposters gained entry, they proceeded to splatter the walls of the facility with innocent blood.

"The Yemen attack took place on March 4, which means that Obama defeating ISIS "by saying 'you are not strong, you are weak'" did not stop the Islamic State from brutalizing a Catholic priest.  In fact, if ISIS did re-enact Jesus's crucifixion, it's likely that Father Uzhunnalil was flogged until his flesh was stripped and his spine exposed."

"Even by the numbskullery that has characterized what passes for American foreign policy under Obama, this latest has to take the cake:" .  
. . . 
"It is pretty easy for Obama to counsel us to “not respond with fear” because he has the Secret Service to protect him. He isn’t going to get blown up in an airport or on a subway. No one in his family is going to be gunned down in a recruiting office or at a Christmas party of low level civil servants. Personally, I think that to be without fear at a time when the US government is more concerned about sucking up to Islamic radicals in CAIR than in defending Americans from attack is not a great evolutionary strategy. " . . .

A Hillary album

WCU: Western Communist University

Prof. Mike Adams
"To sum it all up, the Marxists who run WCU don’t need a center celebrating free markets. The marketplace of ideas has been shut down for years."

"The next time a college professor starts lecturing on the importance of a free and open marketplace of ideas beware. He’s probably going to offer a few platitudes before he throws in an awkward “but,” and then shows his true beliefs about free expression. As a general rule, you can ignore everything that comes before the word “but.” It is usually after he utters his first “but” that he really starts to show his ass.
"At Western Carolina University (WCU) the faculty senate recently showed its true colors on an important issue of academic freedom. They were approached with an offer to fund a new Center for the Study of Free Enterprise (CSFE). It should have been easy for them to handle. Predictably, they screwed it up to a fair thee well."
"Can anyone explain how accepting the gift for a pro capitalist CSFE in any way constrains the freedom of Marxist professors to critique the center’s activities? Furthermore, ask yourself which of the following poses the greatest threat to academic freedom:" . . .

13 Things You Need To Know About “The People V. O.J. Simpson”

Buzzfeed   "Though The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story is set in the mid-’90s, its deep dive into the issues that still plague us today has made the series among the most topical shows of recent years. And with its racially diverse cast, writing staff, and mix of directors, it could also serve as a prototype for Hollywood, as the largely intractable industry finally begins to reform itself.
The Bronco chase. The gloves. The Mark Fuhrman tapes. The O.J. Simpson trial was so cinematic as it unfolded in real life, its story has for years seemed unsuited for fiction: Why bother, after all? . . ."

. . . "5. There was one person raising red flags about Fuhrman from the start: Darden. And no one listened to him.

As they contend with the Fuhrman fallout in “Manna From Heaven,” Darden explodes at Clark. “You put me on this trial because you wanted a black face,” he says. “But the truth is, you never wanted a black voice.”
“I hope we weren’t too on the nose for you,” Alexander said of that moment.
“Our show was very clear about it,” Karaszewski added. “Chris was put on the case because the DA’s office was afraid of Johnnie Cochran, and needed different ‘optics.’” Instead of turning the decision into a strength, Clark ignored Darden about his insistence that Fuhrman would hurt them.
"Toobin in his writing is critical of Darden’s skills as a trial lawyer, which reach their nadir when he gets Simpson to put on the gloves (against Clark’s orders). When writing the character, Karaszewski and Alexander wanted it to come across that Darden was both out of practice in court and in over his head in a trial of this scale. It proved to be hard to find an actor who could exude earnestness, compassion, and charm — especially with Clark — and also be somewhat weak in court. “It was, on paper, an impossible part to play,” Alexander said. “Larry and I kept calling him Charlie Brown in the first couple of episodes, because he’s just this sad sack who hates his job and doesn’t want to work there.' ”

Can Trump become so unpopular that Democrats take back the House?

WaPo   "It's one of the most controversial things to say on Capitol Hill, sparking looks of shock and disbelief: The House majority is in play this fall." . . .