Have we reached Peak Corporate Cave-In? What did kneeling do for the Jews in Fascist Europe? The video at the bottom should show us how political correctness sucks the very joy out of our society. TD
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Trader Joe's must have taken a look at who was behind the petition and decided it was total bee ess. Who's behind it? A rich little wokester white high school teenager no doubt eager to please her teachers and college admissions committees named Briones Bedell. Rest assured she knows nothing about racism, she's just another Karen looking to 'atone.'
Second, she drew very few signatures to her petition, a miserable 4,900 at last count, falling short of her 5,000 goal. This, despite fawning media profiles linked on her Twitter feed and copious glowing press. Seriously, she got less than 5,000 signatures and a lot of people trolling her. That doesn't sound like the person who's earned a right to push around big corporations, except that she knows they'll let her. Maybe not now." . . .
. . . "What this sniveling ignorant little white teenager doesn't get is there's a difference between appropriation and appreciation, as a far smarter and more brilliant black teenager has explained exquisitely here:. . .
How's this for "cultural appropriation"? I love it!
How's this for "cultural appropriation"? I love it!