Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What Obama Should Say Tuesday Night

Mona Charen "There is nothing immoral about companies that extract the coal, oil, and gas from the earth -- no more than those of us who enjoy air conditioning, computers, cars, and airplanes are immoral for using those fuels. Perhaps we've all learned now that we must take another look at ANWR and shallower waters. Environmentalists did us no favors by agitating for bans on drilling in more accessible sites. At least if a spill happens there, it can be dealt with."  In our dreams.

Energy Demagogues   "...trucks and cars don't run on sunlight or wind, and coal -- whose cost of generation the U.S. energy department priced at 44 cents per megawatt three years ago -- is our second cheapest form of energy, next to oil and gas, at 25 cents per megawatt. Nuclear power is $1.59.

"And how much, according to the energy department, is wind power? Oh, $23.37 per megawatt. Solar power? A whopping $24.34."  Bill Murchison is a senior columns writer for The Dallas Morning News.
  Emphases added.

Obama in the Bunker  "In politics, a "bunker mentality" is an embattled frame of mind, often accompanied by an aggrieved sense of being unfairly under attack. The term is most often applied to American Presidents who suffer political reverses and assume a surly, defensive posture - all critics are enemies; if you're not for us you're against us; etc."  Rich Galen has been a press secretary to Dan Quayle and Newt Gingrich.

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