Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bush's Gift to Obama

Middle East Forum "Will Obama take the advice of the pressure-on-Israel enthusiasts who twice led him into the cul-de-sac of the "freeze on natural growth" of settlements? If he does, we are headed for another nasty squall with no constructive outcome. He has another choice, staring right at him in the Roadmap. Does the Roadmap's provenance in the hated Bush administration make it so repulsive to this administration that miss the opportunity Bush left him?" Steven J. Rosen served for 23 years as foreign policy director of AIPAC. He now heads the Washington Project of the Middle East Forum.

Obama Policies Threaten Israel's Security "When Hillary ran against Obama in 2008, her most effective campaign ad was one that showed a telephone ringing at 3 a.m. It was intended to warn Americans of the dangers of having an inexperienced president taking that crisis call in the middle of the night. Little did Hillary realize that she might be the one making that crisis call.
"It seems as if we are sleepwalking into danger. Is there anybody in this administration who is awake? " Ken Blackwell

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