Saturday, August 21, 2010

Valerie Plame 'Fair Game' Movie Tosses Name Leaker Richard Armitage Down Memory Hole

Newsbusters "Ironically you can learn more about the real facts of the Plame case (and who leaked Plame's name) by reading the IMDB "Fair Game" message board [3] than by seeing the movie itself. Some sample posts that delivers(sic) the information that the "Fair Game" propanda movie refuses to touch:"...
...The film conveniently leaves out the fact that we know who leaked her name and that character isn't even in the film...
I am amazed how Hollywood is willing to lose hundreds of millions, if not billions, to sell their leftist progapanda. At some point this will be self-limiting, when they run out of money or studio stockholders tire of losing money.
To quote just two comments.

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