Thursday, September 2, 2010


Neal Boortz "The left has some additional ammunition to use this time because there actually is a plan proposed by Republican Paul Ryan for a partial privatization of Social Security. I think that Ryan's plan would call for people to be able to take 2% of their wages that would be headed for the non-existent Social Security trust fund and divert it to a private account. Now here are three key details of this private account:
"1.You would get a guaranteed 1% rate of return on the money deposited in your account.
"2.That money would be absolutely guaranteed to you. You may be surprised to know that your current Social Security benefits are not.
"3.When you die your heirs will get that money ... or it will go to whoever you designate in your will.
"Now just how dense do you have to be to say that this would not be a good idea?"

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