Thursday, September 2, 2010

More Arguments against a Value-Added Tax

CATO Institute "This means that a VAT will allow more government spending and no reduction in deficits and debt, which is exactly what we see in Europe (and as Jim Powell noted in his column). Last but not least, this video summarizes the best arguments against a VAT."

Also from CATO:  Mr. President, Tear Down That Andy Griffith Ad "The Obama administration spent your tax dollars on a pro-ObamaCare ad, featuring Andy Griffith, that found uses “weasel words” to “mislead” seniors about how that law would affect them. (As I blogged previously, understated the case.) Nonetheless, over at, the administration is still running that dishonest ad.
"They should take the ad down."

From FactCheck: Would the sheriff of Mayberry mislead you about Medicare? Alas, yes. "So how can the Obama administration claim that "guaranteed Medicare benefits will remain the same"? The answer is that the term "guaranteed" is a weasel word — a qualifier that sucks the meaning out of a phrase in the way that weasels supposedly suck the contents out of an egg. It may sound to the casual listener as though this ad is saying that the benefits of all Medicare recipients are guaranteed to stay the same — and that may well be the way the ad’s sponsors wish listeners to hear it. But what the administration is really saying is that only those benefits that are guaranteed in law will remain the same."

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