Tuesday, October 12, 2010


 Neal Boortz  "In fact .. when someone asked Obama dog-washer David Axelrod to prove that foreign money is being used by the Chamber of Commerce in campaign efforts, Axelrod's response was for the questioner to prove that it wasn't. There's your sign of desperation. Make an accusation with no basis in fact, then tell your opponents to prove it isn't true. "

Eric Allie, Townhall

Pamela Geller on Obama's Foreign Campaign Contributions

"Obama received donations from people in Gaza and other foreign entities. He claimed to have returned the contributions from Gaza, but there is no record of his having done so. Apparently Obama's clean-up crew sent Asman a record of "refunds" -- something he claimed in '08 but which never appeared in the records. They claim that the money has been returned, but the donors in Gaza said it wasn't. When we reviewed the records it wasn't. The fixers had two years to wash these dirty donations clean. Dirty pool.

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