Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Terror threat to restaurants as Al Qaeda calls for attacks on government workers in D.C. (Updated)

NY Daily News  The advice appears in "Inspire," the latest issue of a slick propaganda publication by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Osama Bin Laden's franchise in Yemen.
"A random hit at a crowded restaurant in Washington, D.C., at lunch hour might end up knocking out a few government employees," Yahya Ibrahim writes in the 74-page jihadi how-to magazine.

D.C.'s busy bars, restaurants and lunchtime hangout spots could be the next terror targets as wannabe jihadis seek to kill U.S. government workers.

Low-Level Urban Terrorism: The Next Big Thing for Al-Qaeda?   We should certainly take prudent precautions against such assaults, but we should also keep some perspective. It is still “spectacular” attacks that we need fear the most — and especially the prospect of terrorists getting their hands on nuclear weapons, which, as President Obama accurately observed, would be a “game-changer.”

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