Sunday, July 17, 2011

Just another day of race baiting for Sheila Jackson Lee

American Thinker  "We can always rely on Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) to inject her own brand of far-left factually devoid race-baiting insanity into any situation. Even as the Whoopi Goldberg of the Congress was refusing to comment on the recent discrimination law suit brought against her this week by a former staffer, she was reinventing the race-baiting wheel to attack those legitimate members of congress who are fighting to save our nation. Yesterday Jackson Lee reduced the debate over raising the debt limit to a racist attack against Mr. Obama during her rant on the House floor."...

Is Sheila Jackson Lee really that stupid?  "On a visit to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 2005, Rep. Lee made embarrassing news by asking if the Mars Pathfinder had taken an image of the flag planted there in 1969 by Neil Armstrong. She has also urged better relations between the U.S. and Venezuela, which she describes as a friendly nation. She said the U.S. should reconsider its ban on selling F-16 fighter jets and spare parts to that country.
"This week, Rep. Lee gave a speech at the NAACP convention, and told an enthusiastic crowd that the Tea Party participants were nothing more than Ku Klux Klan members without their robes:" ....

"With her Polysci degree from Yale, you’d think she would know that the K.K.K was founded by southern Democrats."

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