Advice Columnist Belladonna Rogers Q: "During Thanksgiving dinner in 2009, my brother asked what I thought of Obama’s stimulus package. I knew we’d disagree bitterly, so I tried avoiding an answer. He persisted like a bulldog until I said I was against it. My wife and I gave specific, fact-based reasons we opposed it. He, his wife and grown children all piled onto my wife and me, trotting out all the liberal bromides against anyone who differs.
"The following morning when we visited for breakfast, we were shocked to see he’d posted a new magnet, one that hadn’t been there the night before, front and center on his fridge door:"
A: "Just in case, though, I suggest arriving at your brother’s house with a few of your own favorite fridge magnets to leave behind as thoughtful gifts if, despite your efforts, your brother is unable to attain maturity by November 24."....
"80 mph, and going for broke: “My wife and I drive almost 1,000 miles to be insulted by you and your family. Your boorish, intolerant behavior has been on full display the past two Thanksgivings. If you mention even one word about politics at the table, my wife and I will excuse ourselves politely, and won’t return. We’ll take Mom out to lunch the following day and enjoy some quiet time with her. I refuse to engage in your agenda again. You’ll have to find another conservative to bash. It won’t be as much fun as haranguing your older brother, but it will have to suffice. Maybe you’d drive that far for a pointless argument, but I won’t.”"....
"I hope one — or, if absolutely necessary, all — of these approaches to your brother will result in a happier holiday for you, your wife, and your entire family.
— Belladonna Rogers"
Ann Coulter: Book Excerpt: 'How to Talk to a Liberal' "At a loss whenever anyone argues back, liberals have a number of stratagems to prevent conservatives from talking. They shout conservatives down; unplug reporters' microphones; edit conservatives' answers in pretaped TV shows (Hardball) to make the conservative look like a monkey; burn student newspapers; and heckle conservative speakers. When John Stossel went to Brown University for a report on "date rape," he was mobbed by angry protesters chanting, "Rape is not TV hype!" — and then his microphone cord was unplugged by an angry student. College dropout Michael Moore put a microphone in Republican Congressman Mark Kennedy's face and asked for his help in getting more members of Congress to send their own family members to fight the war on terror. Kennedy replied that he would love to and that he already had two nephews in the military, one on his way to Afghanistan. Moore's documentary shows Kennedy's image — but cuts his answer from the film."
How ironic, then to check the word "demagogy"/ "demagoguery" at Wikipedia and see that the only socialist mentioned is Hitler. TD
"The following morning when we visited for breakfast, we were shocked to see he’d posted a new magnet, one that hadn’t been there the night before, front and center on his fridge door:"
"Our mother’s now 85, and in very fragile health, and I don’t want another pitched battle when my brother asks me which candidate I support. I can’t refuse to go because it means so much to our mother to be with both her sons.
"What to do?"

"I hope one — or, if absolutely necessary, all — of these approaches to your brother will result in a happier holiday for you, your wife, and your entire family.
— Belladonna Rogers"
Ann Coulter: Book Excerpt: 'How to Talk to a Liberal' "At a loss whenever anyone argues back, liberals have a number of stratagems to prevent conservatives from talking. They shout conservatives down; unplug reporters' microphones; edit conservatives' answers in pretaped TV shows (Hardball) to make the conservative look like a monkey; burn student newspapers; and heckle conservative speakers. When John Stossel went to Brown University for a report on "date rape," he was mobbed by angry protesters chanting, "Rape is not TV hype!" — and then his microphone cord was unplugged by an angry student. College dropout Michael Moore put a microphone in Republican Congressman Mark Kennedy's face and asked for his help in getting more members of Congress to send their own family members to fight the war on terror. Kennedy replied that he would love to and that he already had two nephews in the military, one on his way to Afghanistan. Moore's documentary shows Kennedy's image — but cuts his answer from the film."
How ironic, then to check the word "demagogy"/ "demagoguery" at Wikipedia and see that the only socialist mentioned is Hitler. TD
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