Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mapping the #Occupy Hate and Violence Around the Country

Big Government   "Our team at the MacIver Institute for Public Policy in Wisconsin have put together this handy interactive map of the violence and hate of the #Occupy movement."

The Occupy movement is inherently violent  "Think Progress has posted a video of Occupy protesters valiantly trying to prevent anarchists from damaging a Whole Foods in Oakland yesterday. They claim the video demonstrates the movement's commitment to non-violence. But judging by that one guy's yellow helmet, it is clear some occupiers anticipated such an incident. If you know your march is going to involve fights over property damage, even if you try and stop it when it happens, you are still responsible for that property damage."....
"The Occupy movement is predicated on the idea of protesters (the 99%) asserting control over something that does not belong to them (Zuccotti Park, McPherson Square, Frank Ogawa/Oscar Grant Plaza etc.)."


Anonymous said...

I am the guy in the yellow helmet. I did a Q&A if anyone is interested:

I brought all of the armor to protect against POLICE violence. I had a camera and wanted to make sure that could safely film if hit with their sub-lethal weapons.

the Tunnel Dweller said...

If you were one of those who tried to stop the anarchy, good for you. But just know that all this has its roots in people who understand nothing about economics and are willing pawns in a struggle fomented by the socialist left; people who cannot see- cannot be made to see- the terrible economic damage done to economies by socialists and their policies.
The entire recession began with the Frank-Dodd housing crisis that President Bush warned against. It continues because of the economy-stifling policies of this anti-business president.
Our prosperity has been a gift of free enterprise and capitalism that is now endangered by a know-nothing generation that has been so easily manipulated.
Seven decades of Soviet economic failure could not enlighten socialists. Now they seek to spread this virus to another generation.
This nation is a gift passed on from great founders and it is not in good hands with those people in the streets with you. They may inspire fear but not a bit of respect.