Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reports from the Occupy movement

Drudge has these:
From CNS: 'Peaceful' Occupy Protests Degenerate Into Chaos  "About 3,000 people converged on the Port of Oakland, the nation's fifth-busiest harbor, in a nearly five-hour protest Wednesday, swarming the area and blocking exits and streets with illegally parked vehicles and hastily-erected, chain-link fences."
Academia's chickenssssss...are coming ROOST!

American Thinker: 'Stimulate' Oakland  "Maybe Obama should stop referring to these protests as "Occupy" movements and start calling them what he most likely thinks they are: "Stimulate Wall Street", "Stimulate Chicago", "Stimulate Oakland", etc. If Obama gets lucky, maybe before this is all over there will end up being a bridge somewhere that needs rebuilding."  More here.

The "99 Percent" are really the "35 Percent" but their cadres are growing   "By any objective standard, the 99 Percenters are not the brightest bunch, and they really represent the roughly 20 percent of Americans who are irrevocably dependent upon government subsidies and pay no income tax. Thus, this 20 percent has no vested interest in the cost of government and is predisposed to vote for the redistribution of others' incomes rather than work for their own. The underlying assumption is that it's easier to confiscate wealth than create it."....
"For his part, Obama has been clear in his collectivist rhetoric: "[T]he wealthiest Americans have made out like bandits. ... It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." "

From Infidel Bloggers Alliance:  NYPD Officer: Crime, Sexual Assault at #OccupyWallStreet ‘More Widespread Than Even They Think’
  "...however they’re protesting the wrong group. It wasn’t banks who caused the housing meltdown. It wasn’t banks who tanked the economy. It’s the politicians and the special interest money in politics that has destroyed this country. Banks are easy targets. When they set up this protest on the front lawn of the White House, or on the steps of the Capitol, then I’d support it."...

Bruce Thornton: Blame Our Failing Schools for Occupy Wall Street   "Having taught in a state university for thirty years, I’m not surprised by the ignorance on display among the Occupy Wall Street protestors. From kindergarten to university, for decades our schools have abandoned the teaching of basic facts and foundational thinking skills, and replaced both with leftish received wisdom and stale mythologies, all the while they have anxiously monitored and puffed up students’ self-esteem."

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