Thursday, March 15, 2012

Liberal intolerance, by the numbers

Thomas Lifson "At last we have statistical evidence that liberals are less tolerant of views that disagree with theirs than are conservatives.  Andrew Malcolm of Investor's Business Daily points us to the data, found in a Pew Center for the Internet and American Life Project study."
"The delightful title of the piece sums it all up: "Online, liberals far less tolerant than normal people" "

"There are a lot of people whose self-concept as a good person is validated by their advocacy of what they think of as enlightened and compassionate liberalism. If politics makes them a good person, it frees up their consciences when dealing with others in real life. Very convenient.
"But if an annoying conservative (me) challenges the morality of the very policies that make them moral persons, they suffer painful cognitive dissonance."
The Daily Princetonian: Liberals are more intolerant than conservatives "In closing, I can’t say for sure that conservatives are more tolerant on average than liberals. That certainly has been my experience. What is certain is that liberals hold themselves out as being more tolerant, while pharisaically denying a minority in their midst the ability to express dissenting viewpoints without fear of reprisal. This fact is deeply troubling. In the name of tolerance, I think we should look within and see if this is really the kind of liberal democracy we want". 


IrishPoet said...
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the Tunnel Dweller said...

Your spell-check appears to be switched off.

Anonymous said...

Irish Poet speaks from many years of experience in ignorance and intolerance. We would do well to listen to him then do the opposite.