Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan Comedy Hour

From PJ Media with a big hat tip to Bud Abbott and Lou Costello.
This In Living Color skit is "hands down, the winner. This is pure genius, from the respective impersonations by David Alan Grier and Damon Wayans to the script to the belly rub at the end."

Farrakhan Warns Whites: “Unless You Change, Your End Has Come”…
"If this was a white man making these types of threats Holder would unleash the DOJ attack dogs faster than you can say, “my people.” "

He continued, going on to address Caucasians directly.
“I know myself. I know you. And some of you white people – I know you better than you know yourself because God has revealed you fully,” he explained, going on to seemingly claim that he has a special, God-ordained ability to see what others cannot.
This, of course, was followed up with a cryptic warning to white Americans about their need to “change.”
“It ain’t about hating you. We ain’t got no time for that. But we know who we’re dealing with. We know what we’re dealing with,” he said. “We know your origin in the world and we know how long you were set to live and unless you change, your end has come.”
Via Weasel Zippers

1 comment:

Ronbo said...

Methinks Louie is a criminal mental case who should locked up in a small cell for the rest of his un-natural life.