Thursday, August 30, 2012

MSNBC’s Schultz and Sharpton Falsely Claim Janesville Plant Closed Under President Bush to Slam Ryan

Conservative Daily News    " Rep. Ryan reiterated that President Barack Obama promised to keep the plant open, but then shut it down.  The left-wingers went rabid and supported  the false narrative that the plant was closed by George W. Bush.

Sharpton said if you want “an eloquent person [Ryan] that does not tell the truth, this was a great performance.” "
Meanwhile, Smilin' Ed said  that the people in is hometown must know that he’s lying about the plant.

"The irony is palpable. In actuality, the plant closed in June of 2009.  The Janesville Gazette reported back in February of 2009 that:"....Read more...

Speaking of MSNBC, you may not believe this, but...
MSNBC's newest race code-word  Chris Matthews is a real racialist piece of work.  "Clearly, the pundits at MSNBC are being driven mad by the success of the GOP convention, particularly Paul Ryan's barn-burner Wednesday night. When desperate that the message of limited govenrment and opportunity is connecting with the American public, they resort to the last, worn-out, obsolete weapon in their arsenal: the race card.
"Last night, they really stretched, and offered a novel theory, that the city of Chicago is actually a code word for black. See for yourself:"

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Meltdown Joe begs you to love the US military

Useful Idiots * A screaming MSNBC tirade for anyone not happy with the military industrial complex   “AMERICA IS STRONGER AND MORE POWERFUL ...