Friday, October 12, 2012

Liberal civility

Sick: Libs Hope Paul Ryan’s Wife Gets Raped…
"How progressive."

Ryan: Daughter’s nickname ‘Bean’ came from ultrasound; Sickos crack abortion jokes, spew venom. Read the sick Democrat tweets on this subject at the link.
One of the comments on these sick people:

And amongst all the vile Leftoid hate of babies and their sick pride....A true story just came out that a DOG saved a 3 week old baby by waking the parents....
It says something profound when an animal has more care for human life than a very large swath of the population....
Watch here:
 Current TV Host: Ryan ‘Likes Fetuses So Much Because He Looked Like One Next to Biden’

Thuggishness rising from Warren supporters "Last night Ross Hemminger, Youth Coordinator for the Scott Brown for Senate campain, was heckled by pro-Warren supporters at the Brown-Warren debate. A source at the event told me that the hecklers were union members who were oganized by the Warren campaign for a “stand-out.”
"The incident happened when Hemminger started chanting “Go, Scott, go!” on the megaphone. The Warren supporerts chanted back “You sound gay!” A few others chimed in “You take it up the a**!”"   
The Warren campaign apologized for the Democrats whose conduct was so offensive. 

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