Monday, December 31, 2012

Fiscal Cliff; Deal or NO deal? Let the blame game begin!

Late news that may supercede the links following the others in this post:  A ‘fiscal cliff’ deal is near: Here are the details   "On the spending side, the Democrats’ headline concession will be accepting chained-CPI, which is to say, accepting a cut to Social Security benefits. Beyond that, the negotiators will agree to targets for spending cuts. Expect the final number here, too, to be in the neighborhood of $1 trillion, but also expect it to lack many specifics. Whether the cuts come from Medicare or Medicaid, whether they include raising the Medicare age, and many of the other contentious issues in the talks will be left up to Congress."
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
WaPo; As ‘fiscal cliff’ looms, Republicans have no political incentive to make deal with Obama
"Yes, Obama won the election and did so quite convincingly. And, no, he doesn’t ever have to worry again about being reelected, which should, in theory, embolden him. But he is the only person involved in the fiscal cliff talks who has that luxury. Everyone else needs to keep one eye (at least) on their next race.
"That mentality means that for the vast majority of Republicans in Congress, a deal is more dangerous than no deal. A deal creates the possibility of a primary challenge from their ideological right in districts and even states that, by and large, went heavily against Obama in November. No deal means they might — with the emphasis on “might” — face some blow back from constituents who want them to get something done for the good of the country and put the partisanship and politics aside.
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Rick Moran; GOP sets record for quickest surrender in history  "In a matter of hours, Republicans went from standing for entitlement reform - however small - to caving in to the Democrats. This, despite the fact that Obama himself supported the idea of chained CPI earlier.
"These guys couldn't negotiate their kids' allowance, much less a deal on taxes and spending." Via Lucianne
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez 

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