Monday, October 14, 2013

Our vindictive president and his actions in this shutdown

Obama’s Confession of Indifference   "When terrible things happened on George W. Bush’s watch — Katrina, Abu Ghraib, etc. — the immediate liberal response was to insist that Bush had in fact ordered or wanted the terrible things to happen.
"Now we have a president openly admitting it — and no one seems to care."  Jonah Goldberg

Andrew C. McCarthy asks, We can fund al-Qaeda but we can’t fund the families of our war dead?   "Don’t you find it strange... that in a shutdown Obama has instigated in order to enforce the Obamacare law Americans don’t want...his administration says we can fund al-Qaeda but we can’t fund the families of our war dead?"

The List: Unnecessarily Shut Down by Obama to Inflict Public Pain
   "There are many other examples of this president's cold-hearted fanaticism and willingness to punish people for reasons that seem to have much more to with spite than what is and is not "essential." In fact, there are a number of examples where Obama seems to be spending more money and using more resources to close and block and inconvenience than to just leave it alone.
   "The media may or may not report on these individual occurrences, but what they will never do is provide the American people with the full context and scope of Obama's shrill pettiness.
   "Below is a list of illogical, unnecessary, and shockingly spiteful moves our government is making in the name of essential and non-essential."....

The vets marched off with some of the Barrycades and dumped them at the White House fence:

"The Flight 93 Memorial honors the 40 crew members and non-terrorist passengers who died on that flight, and recalls the sense of national unity Americans felt in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks."

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