Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why The Left Can Never Be Trusted With Power

This may be over the head of the average low-information voter, including about 95% of Obama's voters and - I suspect- 100% of his former students.

Pacifist doing what pacifists do
Powerline Blog "If you want a good lesson in why the left can never be trusted with political power, especially in foreign policy, look no further than Mother Jones Washington bureau chief Nick Baumann, writing in Slate this week that “Neville Chamberlain Was Right.”  What was he right about?  Ceding Czechoslovakia to Hitler in 1938: “The maligned British prime minister did what we would want any responsible leader to do.”
"Do tell, Nick.  First, Britain was too weak to stand up to Hitler in 1938.  “In general, British generals believed the military and the nation were not ready for war.”   (And whose fault was that?)  “Chamberlain’s diplomatic options were limited as well.”  (Again, whose fault was that?  Chamberlain repeatedly declined to seek a diplomatic accommodation with the Soviet Union and Poland, or invite the diplomatic contributions of the United States, which FDR was willing to make.)  “Nor was the British public ready for war in 1938.”  Again. . . never mind.
"The most egregious part of Baumann’s revisionism has to be this paragraph:"....Full article here.

I don't regard pacifists as evil; if Hitler had been a pacifist the world would have been spared enormous slaughter and destruction. But this world will always have evil people in high places that will rule over pacifist nations who will not stand up to them as happened in World War 2. Winston Churchill called that war the most easily prevented war in history, saying it only took one nation to be willing to use force against Hitler's early aggressions.
Germany's rearming was excused by the left in Britain while they (led by British Communists) considered any war preparations by their own country to be "warmongering".
Someone remarked that if no one nation should be the world's policeman, what happens if there is a world criminal?   The Tunnel Dweller

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