Wednesday, June 18, 2014

'Redskins' stripped of trademarks. The tyranny of political correctness

Someone -I forget who- suggested calling them the Washington Redlines.

A Washington Redskins player is pictured. | AP Photo
"In a major blow to the Washington Redskins, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on Wednesday canceled six federal trademarks of the “Washington Redskins” team name because it was found to be “disparaging” to Native Americans.

“ 'We decide, based on the evidence properly before us, that these registrations must be cancelled because they were disparaging to Native Americans at the respective times they were registered,” the PTO’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board wrote." More here

This Democrat government's tentacles grip our nation ever tighter. What's left after the Cleveland Indians? The Oilers? Many teams on the Oregon coast were named the Loggers; will that go? 
This will be a long two years, but perhaps even longer given the choices of America's low-information voters. TD

“Redskins” trademark cancelled by USPTO as “disparaging” — Are “Negro” and “Colored” next?
"So when do challenges to United Negro College Fund and NAACP trademarks start?"

... "The landmark case, which appeared before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, was filed on behalf of five (count 'em - five) Native Americans. It was the second time such a case was filed." ...

I’m not familiar enough with trademark law to say just how far of an outlier this is, but many people now consider the phrase “Negro” and “Colored” to be disparaging. Just as at one time “Redskins” was not disparaging, so too times have changed and calling someone “Negro” or “Colored” could be deemed disparaging. 
 William A. Jacobson  Clinical Professor of Law, Cornell Law School

1 comment:

Gail Downie; Oregon said...

As a person of Irish descent, I find the logo of Notre Dame "The Fighting Irish" is disparaging. I fell it is demeaning that Notre Dame feels the Irish condone fighting and violence, even celebrate it and want them to change their mascot and trademark!