Sally Zelikovsky . . . "Where's the beef? Who was hurt by this? Lying is noxious – so much so that it made it to the top ten things you shouldn't do to rattle the Big Guy upstairs. I wouldn't mind it if Hillary, Bill, Barack, and Joe "Plagiarism Is a Form of Lying" Biden had to spend some quality time in the stocks for their lies. But if no one is hurt – if it's just a lie or, in this case, more of an exaggeration – is there a punishable infraction?
"If he told this fib on his med school application and he was accepted, it might matter if he pushed out an equally qualified truth-telling candidate. If he made up this malarkey to get a job, or a loan, then maybe there'd be some beef.
"But this story broke not because Carson lied in order to bolster his campaign or raise money under knowingly false pretenses and was "found out." It broke not because someone discovered he was lying about his past to get ahead, receive special treatment, or secure the nomination.
"This story was unearthed by the Media Mob. It was tucked away in Carson's book, Gifted Hands, and Charlie "Still Stupefied that Rubio Thinks Hillary Lied" Rose asked him about it. This is what the Media Lynch Mob does. It is their raison d'être. They are programmed to annihilate Republican candidates, all the more worthy of destruction if they are female, black, Hispanic, or any other minority. " . . .
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