Thursday, January 14, 2016

Pulling back the curtain on Hillary a bit more. In case anybody cares. UPDATE

Its members voted Tuesday to endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton by the widest margin in’s history.  Ironically, was born to fight the drive to impeach President Bill Clinton.

Hillary's Biggest Problem
Holder, Who Facilitated Marc Rich Pardon, Endorses Hillary Clinton
. . . "When fugitive Marc Rich died in 2013, Slate rehashed Eric Holder's relationship with the man who was given an 11th-hour pardon by Bill Clinton. The title of the article: "How Eric Holder Facilitated the Most Unjust Presidential Pardon in American History.' " . . .

Released emails reveal just how deeply Clinton and her advisers despise the Jewish State.
"There are many reasons to dislike Hillary Clinton. For one, she’s an unrepentant liar, fabricating everything from her Brian Williamesque brush with death in Bosnia to her parent’s pedigree to her claim that she believed a video caused the deaths of four heroes in Benghazi.
"She is also unethical, having accepted large sums of money to the Clinton Foundation from countries and entities working on behalf of foreign governments impacted by her decisions as secretary of state. There is some circumstantial evidence suggesting that she may have been influenced by these rather large contributions. In one well publicized case, Russia was able to acquire 20% of the United States’ uranium reserves in an energy deal that required State Department approval. A paper trail from that transaction reveals that the Clintons’ and their foundation benefited from substantial donations issued by entities with vested interests in ensuring the Russian acquisition of America’s strategic assets. Clinton was required to publicly disclose these contributions but never did. " . . . 
"If you hate Israel and wish to see nothing but misfortune for the Jewish State, stop reading because Hillary is your candidate. If you care about Israel and its relationship with the United States, read on."
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
. . . "In other words, because Mrs. Clinton refused to authorize those forces to deploy into Libya to assist State Department personnel and State Department facilities, Panetta had no other choice but to put them on hold.
“ 'The State Department was concerned that an overt U.S. military presence in Libya could topple the government,” a senior AFRICOM commander involved in that night’s events told me. “They were in denial. They wanted a narrative that al Qaeda was on the run. Instead, four Americans died.”
"With the release of the Bash email and 13 Hours, Mrs. Clinton’s cover has been blown." . . .

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
Nine times Clinton Foundation donors got special access at State  . . . "But thousands of emails made public by the State Department between May of last year and Friday indicate donors to the Clinton Foundation were often given personal meetings, generous contracts or special consideration that was seemingly not afforded to the same number of private groups that had not written checks to the charity." . . .
Hillary’s long goodbye  "That dream is slowly crashing and burning.  Even without a criminal referral or indictment, Hillary’s chances are fading fast.  Sanders looks as though he may sweep Iowa and New Hampshire.  Once that happens, it is 2008 all over again.  The Democrat establishment may not want Sanders on the ticket, but they are fully capable of drafting Biden, Warren, Booker, or another Dem, and then changing the convention rules to nominate whomever they want.  But I doubt that will be necessary.  The gears of the FBI are turning faster and faster.  Policy requires that if a politician be accused of wrongdoing, it be done as long before an election as possible.

"Time is not on Hillary’s side."

Hillary Clinton Calls Benghazi Families Liars [VIDEO]  "One of the enduring mysteries of the Benghazi tragedy is why anyone ever took seriously Hillary Clinton’s blaming some obscure maker of a YouTube video for the attack. That mystery, however, is dwarfed by the way the media try to pretend that Hillary’s denials of that happening are anything other than bald-faced (that bald-face would be pasty white, wrinkled, and bewhiskered). In testimony elicited by the Benghazi Committee and in released emails, it has become apparent that no one ever thought the video was to blame and Clinton has, herself, attempted to claim that she never blamed the video.

"Now there is a new “wrinkle” to the story. Hillary told the families that the video was the cause of the attack that led to the deaths of their family members. Now she is saying they are lying.
"First, there is her statement when she, shamelessly, stood in the hangar at Dover AFB as the bodies of the dead men returned home:" . . .
UPDATE: Benghazi Victim’s Mother SCREAMS: “Hillary Is a Liar!” After Watching ’13 Hours’ (VIDEO)

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