This doesn't bode well for US combat units
4th Circuit says FBI can hold women to lesser standards
" . . . The court held that Title VII does not require that male and female trainees be held to the same standards. This is due to physiological differences between the sexes. Who knew? The court said that the requirement “imposed an equal burden of compliance on both men and women, requiring the same level of physical fitness in each.' ” . . .

"As of now, a female tank crew candidate will be entitled to contest any standard that does not accommodate her physiological differences and demand an accommodation that will allow her to otherwise demonstrate the same level of physical fitness. So when she is put in the loader’s seat and told to load a 40-lb. tank round and can’t do it, or tires after loading a few, she will have to be accommodated. Perhaps the Army could cut the tank rounds in half, so that she can demonstrate the same level of fitness by loading twice as many 20-lb. half-shells. Of course, you can’t shoot a cut up tank shell, but that’s an accommodation we’ll have to live with. The tank crew could text-message the enemy and tell them that they are very diverse and would rather chat than fight. Then war will go away. See – it will all work out. "
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