Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The 2016 State of the Union address


ISIS’s latest slaughter puts the lie to Obama’s happy talk

‘Legacy’ of one comes at cost of security of many   "What irony. The weakness of this administration was once again the real story."
Politico: Obama hangs up his magic wand   . . . "Arms on the podium, hands clasped, leaning into the microphone making swipe after told-ya-so swipe — he wasn’t waiting for vindication anymore. He was taking it for himself." . . .

IBD: Are You Better Off Than You Were 7 Years Ago?  "
Obama gave his eighth and final SOTU address after we went to press. But we're on safe ground predicting that he spent a good chunk of it praising himself."

Making America Grate Again by Jonah Goldberg at NRO  . . . "Cut through the rhetoric and the message was the same as ever: If you agree with me, you’re reasonable.  It was all so tediously familiar and grating I couldn’t wait for it to end (much like Obama’s presidency)."

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Here comes the dreaded word "period" again: Obama: ‘America Is the Most Powerful Nation -- Period’  
Chutzpa with a straight face:   . . . "Surveys show [our] standing around the world is higher than when I was elected to this office and when it comes to every important international issue, people of the world do not look to Beijing or Moscow to lead, they call us."

Obama’s Shameful Iraq Remark  "The lesson of Iraq is that after American troops achieved stability, Mr. Obama quit, leading to a larger war and more American deaths."

Bernie Suggests Obama Copied Him in SOTU Speech

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

“This was less a state of the union than it was a state of denial”
On a related note, David Brooks of the New York Times", who once said that Obama deserved credit for the neat crease in his pants, has decided that Cruz isn’t sufficiently Christian: . . . 
"Reverend Jeremiah Wright couldn’t be reached for comment."

Allen West "President Obama’s final State of the Union address was 59 minutes in length and brilliantly delivered. Now, the bad news."
"President Obama talked about giving everyone a "fair shot" at opportunity in a new economy. First of all, who defines what a "fair shot" is? It appears that this is just more coded language for government-guaranteed equality of outcomes."

The only three takeaways you need from Obama’s Last State of the Union speech.
"To sum up: this is the State of the Union address that the country largely deserved, honestly.  The country voted this man in twice, and that’s something that we’re going to have to live with for the rest of our lives.  If there is a fourth takeaway to this speech, it is this: we must never let a man like Barack Obama be President, ever again. You do not have the luxury of shrugging things like this off. If you do not take politics and your duties as a citizen seriously, this is what we will have to face."

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