Noisy Room

"It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday , tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!
"Here are this weeks’ nominees…
"Hollywood Wack Job And Dictator/Psychopath Groupie Sean Penn!!"
" I nominate Sean Penn for hearting every dictator and commie under the sun. His latest is El Chapo, who he inadvertently helped capture because he was interviewing him for a magazine that would make the drug pin look like some kind of hero. Then Penn jetted off to North Korea to pal around with another psychopath. What about violating the Logan Act? Don’t we charge anyone with treason anymore? Geez" . . .
The Obama State Department!!
. . . "The Weasel of the Week is the Obama administration, for shipping a Hellfire missile to Cuba,
- in early 2014
- which its manufacturer, Lockheed, noticed “was missing”in June of that year
- and ended up in Cuba
- during the time the Obama administration was finalizing its negotiations for easing relations with the Communist dictatorship, but didn’t demand the missile back
- and instead removed Cuba from the states sponsors of terrorism list
- and went right ahead with the easing." . . .
Sweden’s Anti-Semitic Foreign Minister Margot Wallström!!
"Margot Wallström is the rabidly socialist Foreign minister of Sweden. She claims to be a ‘feminist’ who favors ‘democracy’ but was instrumental in getting Sweden to recognize ‘Palestine’, a country without borders as a ‘state.’ Palestine, by the way, is a place where a kleptocrat dictator named Mahmoud Abbas is now in year 11 of a four-year-term, where what passes for law is based on sharia and where things like honor killings, torture, and the oppression of women occur with distressing regularity. But hey, let’s not mention any of that. Because it’s all the fault of Israel! Or so you would think if you listened to Minister Wallström." . . .
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