Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Former Miss Arkansas says Bill Clinton was so-so in bed and confided Hillary was into sex with women.

 'He put on my frilly nightie, and danced around playing his sax.'. . . Now she fears Hillary vendetta and sleeps with loaded semi-automatic "  So she claims
UK Mail  "Bill Clinton's lovemaking was largely forgettable, says ex-mistress Sally Miller, but Clinton would rarely disappoint when divulging intimate secrets
"Miller, then 44, would leave her back door ajar so her seven-years younger paramour - then Governor of Arkansas - could slip in.

...Sally Miller tells Daily Mail Online she met Clinton at parties and political functions in 1974 when she was a senate aide at the Arkansas State Capitol and he was preparing for his run for the House of Representatives. But their affair began when he was Governor of Arkansas

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