Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The path that Hillary still has to tread

Clinton Scores Razor-Thin Win in Kentucky

"Complete with reports of voting irregularities and angry Sanders supporters!"

"Recall the initial days of the 2016 presidential primary cycle, when Hillary Clinton’s victory over Bernie Sanders in the Iowa caucus was the result of 6 perfectly tossed coin flips.

"Now, as we are wrapping up the primary season, Clinton has scored a razor-thin win over sanders in Kentucky.
Hillary Clinton is the apparent winner of the Kentucky Democratic primary Tuesday night, NBC News projects.
The win — which seems like it will be by the narrowest of margins, perhaps just a few thousand votes — will blunt rival Sen. Bernie Sanders primary winning streak by winning Tuesday’s nominating contest in Kentucky.
…After the results came in, Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver said, “Essentially a tie in a state they dominated last time. And Oregon is yet to come.”
"The press is already massaging the news, because “a few thousand votes” is a stretch. It was approximately 1800, and less than 0.5% difference." . . .
As if Hillary didn't have enough on her plate, this is the question about her economic advisor: Is Orgy Island the new Blue Dress?  . . . "Jeffrey Epstein is a name you may be familiar with, or you may not, but if media rumors are true, expect to hear about him much more in the coming weeks." . . .

"Epstein is a good pal of President Bill Clinton’s. Epstein is also a registered sex offender who got himself into trouble soliciting and procuring the services of underaged girls."

Hillary Clinton’s use of her husband in campaign and overuse of gender card just might undermine her message and chances of winning the White House.Hillary Clinton can't rely on former President Bill Clinton to beat Donald Trump  . . . "There is no politician in recent memory who seems more a product of her handlers than Hillary Clinton. But her handlers in 2008 did hardly anything for her, and now you wonder if the reinforcements she’s brought in this time are doing any better, or giving her better advice. Because all she continues to do is serve this whole thing up for Donald Trump."

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