Tuesday, July 5, 2016

We've become the French!

MICHELLE OBAMA'S MIRROR  . . . "With our military beginning to look more like a social experiment every day than a mighty fighting force."

"it is time to raise the perennial question once again: is Obama evil or incompetent? 
"Before you answer, consider the following:
In January of this year the Iranians captured one of our Navy ships; the sailors immediately confessed to wrongdoing, apologized to their captors, responded to questions inappropriately and were released after Iran used their humiliation for propaganda purposes. A Navy investigation following the incident produced disturbing information:
  • The report found the crews were poorly prepared, their boats not properly maintained, communication almost entirely lacking, and their conduct after being captured by the Iranians wasn't up to military standards.
  • The report details a lax culture for U.S. Navy sailors who routinely patrol the Persian Gulf which ultimately led to a highly embarrassing incident for the U.S. military…
  • "The culture ... (was) characterized by informality. They conducted no patrol briefings, and missions were supported by no formal mission analysis, standard planning factors, risk assessment, or overwatch," investigators wrote.
"Then we find out from the Benghazi Report that our military was not so much restrained as they wereunable to respond to the attack on our consulate. From Richard Fernandez, The Enemy Doesn't Coordinate With Your Narrative:" . . .
The following is a heads up about what is about to be unleashed on U.S. Military bases, from my pal Reeko in DC:
. . . "I once watched a Major waiting in a barber shop, as a young enlisted man was getting his haircut when his obvious husband (same last nametag) came up to him – while also in uniform – and giggled and held hands and then gave a passionate, tongue swallowing deep kiss before going to do the couple’s shopping errands. The poor Major simply turned his face away, trying to hide his disgust. When he saw that I was indeed watching him with a huge frown of disappointment, he meekly offered: “You have no idea how bad it is. Pretty soon they’ll demand we stand up and cheer if we want to keep our rank.” As disgusted as I was at the PDA, I felt so sorry for that Major and the others in the barbershop." . . .

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