Thursday, August 4, 2016

Egypt: The high moral standard that there used to be for democracy in the United States ... is not what it used to be.

The German publication Bild calls this the craziest election of all time.
Holpriger Start vor dem Parteitag der Demokraten. Von Einigkeit zwischen Sanders- und Clinton-Wählern konnte nicht die Rede sein

Al-Ahram (Egypt) 10 July 2016.  . . . "It is not easy to predict at this early stage of the tense U.S. election environment, which is clearly changing rapidly. There are many reasons for these changes, including: (1) economics, fundamentally; (2) the legacy of Obama's administration, which did not have a correct reading on global variables, and failed, as the two rival political parties see it, to achieve the interests of the United States in intense contested international battles; and (3) the complicated global situations, proxy wars, and especially the issue of international terrorism which haunts the American elite and threatens its interests.
. . . 

"The arrival of Trump at the White House remains a possibility because of the American public’s severe mood and its anxiety to the extent of being phobic. Perhaps there is no better example of such phobia than that which caused the suffering of a United Arab Emirates’ citizen last week as he was arrested and humiliated for nothing more than wearing "Arab clothing"! This case exposes the phobias that have taken root within the general public. Similar incidents have occurred to innocent people simply due to their appearance or to Arab or Muslim names, incidents which have never even been reported by the media. The “deep state” is no longer capable of easily hiding its slide into paranoia of the other. This is a tune which Trump audiences love and which he plays for his voter base ad nauseam. Not far from this are the intense attacks against the Arab states, which still similarly carry messages of negativity and distortions and which further inflate ideas of the "evil" and the piousness of the Arab-Muslim world in the minds of American citizens!" . . .

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