Friday, August 5, 2016

The secret city of London (which is not part of London) explained – bet you didn’t know this…

The Vintage News


"The Great City of London, known for its historical landmarks, modern skyscrapers, ancient markets and famous bridges. It’s arguably the financial capital of the world and home to over eleven thousand people.
"Wait, what? Eleven… thousand?
"That’s right: but the City of London is a different place from London — though London is also known for its historical landmarks, modern skyscrapers, ancient markets, famous bridges and is home to the government, royal family and seven million people.
"But, if you look map of London crafted by a careful cartographer that map will have a one-square mile hole near the middle — it’s here where the City of London lives inside of the city named London.
"Despite these confusingly close names the two Londons have separate city halls and elect separate mayors, who collect separate taxes to fund separate police who enforce separate laws….OK wait – watch the video, it will explain it better than I can . . ."

Hat tip to Ian Dewar of the UK

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