Yeshiva World News
The U.N. Security Council prepared Friday for perhaps its biggest vote in recent history as the United States weighed abstaining from a resolution that would condemn Israeli settlement construction in Yehuda and Shomron and east Jerusalem. Behind the scenes, U.S. and Israeli officials exchanged surprisingly sharp words for allies.
" A day after Egypt suddenly postponed the showdown, the Palestinian mission to the United Nations said the council would take up the matter again on Friday. The 15 nation body was huddled in closed consultations and officials indicated a vote could take place immediately afterward.
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"American officials indicated the Obama administration would have been prepared to let the resolution pass in a sharp break with past U.S. diplomatic practice. Israeli officials said they were aware of such plans and turned to President elect Donald Trump for support. Trump sent a tweet urging President Barack Obama to exercise America’s veto power. Egypt then pulled its resolution, with U.S. officials saying the action occurred under fierce Israeli pressure. Israeli officials then accused Obama of colluding with the Palestinians in a “shameful move” against the Jewish state. Washington denied the charge.
"Paul wrote yesterday about how President-elect Trump went to bat for Israel, opposing an anti-settlement United Nations resolution that the Obama administration had decided not to veto. Today Israel’s government shed more light on what happened, and made clear its feelings about the Obama administration: . . ."
"The AP also reports that, while Egypt has withdrawn its anti-Israel resolution in the face of Trump’s opposition, another country may sponsor it, and it might yet come up for a vote before President Obama leaves office–a relief that can’t come too soon."
"The AP also reports that, while Egypt has withdrawn its anti-Israel resolution in the face of Trump’s opposition, another country may sponsor it, and it might yet come up for a vote before President Obama leaves office–a relief that can’t come too soon."

Harsh UN resolution on Israeli settlements suddenly withdrawn by Egypt . . . "Beyond the Obama administration being irrelevant in world affairs is the realization that the center of gravity of power is no longer in Washington; it is in Trump Tower, where the president-elect has gone beyond dabbling in foreign policy and is actually impacting world events.
"This is unprecedented and has happened simply because Trump has asserted himself while President Obama has abdicated. For example, Russia announced that it is working on a ceasefire in Syria, with President Assad, Turkey, Iran, and Moscow being involved in the talks. "
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